
Joined Dec 17, 2021

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saved 1367d
I believe that our times tell us of such poverty all over the
world, and that is a scandal!
saved 1367d
“So this was your first flight. Were you scared?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I didn’t dare put my full weight down on the seat.”
saved 1368d
He attended the mass still clad in the same vestments. Then he donned the ducal vestments and returned to the stone, where homage and the oath of fealty were rendered him.
saved 1368d
“Who comes forward so boldly?”

The people answered that this was the prince.

Then the peasant asked again: “Can he be a judge?” Is he concerned with the wellbeing of the country? Was he born a free man? Does he observe the true religion?
saved 1369d
saved 1370d
saved 1370d
Why did you want to be Pope?

Do you know what it means when a person
doesn't really love himself?

Somebody who has the desire to become Pope,
doesn't like himself.

And God doesn't bless him.

No, l never wanted to become Pope.

Is that okay?
saved 1370d
saved 1370d
There is nothing to compare with this custom observed in Carinthia, where even today in the vicinity of the town of Saint Vitus one can see a stone of marble in a meadow. 🙂
saved 1370d
The world today is mostly deaf. And I think that among ourselves, the priests, there are many deaf ones. I'm talking about getting involved in people's lives ...closeness.
Talk little, listen a lot, say just enough, and always look people in the
eye. 🙂
saved 1371d
Mr. President, I shall read from Dr. Felicijan’s book where he quotes Bodin's description of this unique Slovenian custom:
saved 1372d
saved 1372d
You know that the conclave had to give a Bishop to Rome.

It seems that my brother Cardinals went almost to the end of the
world to find one.

But here we are.
Yes here we are, all of us.
With great expectations of the first Pope
from the Americas.
saved 1372d
When Jefferson read Bodin’s “Republic,” he learned of the ancient Slovenian ritual known as the Installation of the Duke of Carinthia. This custom, ... , was living proof that the social contract did, in fact, exist at least among the Slovenians. 🙂
saved 1372d
No society ever made such a contract with those who ruled it, they contended. Indeed, Jefferson may have felt that way himself at one time. But he found historical evidence to the contrary.
saved 1373d
saved 1373d
Many objected to the theory, including those who lived during the time of the American Revolution. They claimed that while the theory was interesting it was, nevertheless, a part of the philosophers’ dream world.
saved 1373d
This, Mr. President, is the contractual theory suited in its most basic terms. It is a useful concept in that one can describe governmental problems and powers by describing the terms of the contract.
saved 1374d
lt dawns on Francis that a fundamental change

can only be brought about by taking the Gospel

saved 1374d
Sweet Xmas to everyone 😋
saved 1374d
The theory begins with several assumptions, one being that all men are equal in a political sense, and from this the conclusion that no one person has a natural right to rule another. But we all know that a society has to have some form of government.
saved 1374d
Now the contractual theory of government has been used by many philosophers as a conceptual tool by which they could explain the relation between the governing and those governed.
saved 1374d
These remarkable conclusions of Dr. Felicijan, based upon his extensive study in the area, are worthy of note both because of their historical importance and the practical lessons which we can learn from them.
saved 1374d
Suddenly, he hears a voice speak to him from the cross.

"Francis, go and restore my house!
It is falling into ruins "

"Restore my house",

what could that mean?

Was he asked to restore the church itself?
saved 1374d
Francis is praying in an abandoned chapel, urgently searching for
a better purpose in his life.

The prospect of just inheriting the business of his father,
a rich merchant in Assisi, frightens him.