BSV & BTC are hardly competitors. They cross paths most heavily on global SHA256 hash power, and then a little bit on use as "money" and for speculators.
$BTC isn’t about ownership, sovereignty or censorship resistance.
The people in charge didn’t even respect Satoshi’s property or sovereignty. They censored him right out of the project, and stole everything they could from him.
I’m excited for all of the nice people who are richer today because of BTC.
I am, however, worried about all of the dangerous, beta communists who have a history of using BTC to consolidate power and hurt good people with their wealth.
- Neither side is particularly good on freedom. - People don't understand communism or fascism. - China wins, no matter what. - Death/destruction is (checks notes) bad. - Territories wouldn't halve. They would Balkanize.
Our people can call his people, but I’m hoping he reads the article, and that average bitcoiners can suggest it to him in sufficiently big numbers to make him curious.
It was painful. Peter kept sniping at Gary for saying “blockchain technology,” and demanding he just say “bitcoin,” while also shooting down all of Gary’s ideas about things that could be done with a scalable network.