
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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replied 2121d
There are no such uses. This is lunacy, theft, and fraud. The very basis of Bitcoin is holding the private key and an immutable ledger.
replied 2121d
I'm willing to bet that BCH will have larger sustained blocks before BSV. As soon as Graphene is fully activated in BU and ported to ABCs XThinner, it will be an indisbutable reality.
replied 2121d
Sk8eM dUb
People who can think for themselves and do not need a king/president to tell them what to think/do. Rules without rulers. Like crypto. I think people who want to be ruled prefer BSV ;)
replied 2121d
Sk8eM dUb
People who can think for themselves and do not need a king/president to tell them what to think/do. Rules without rulers. Like crypto. I think people who want to be ruled prefer BSV ;)
replied 2122d
Those people should look at network performance, and the miners involved. The BSV network doesnt look healthy, and the extreme miner centralisation should be a huge red flag.
2123d · Bitcoin Cash
Shills, trolls, Nazis and qtards are all welcome to use the loser sv fork for the rest of their pathetic worthless lives. Or until it dies in 3 months. Whichever is longer.
2123d · Bitcoin Cash
It is plain wrong to pretend Bitcoin SV is some true vision. It had nothing special to offer. It seems people just like the name. I prefer a dev team that can make Bitcoin scale
replied 2315d

Snapshot of your memo at
replied 2130d
Ayre's demand in a decentralized system & free market makes no sense. The ticker is decided by exchanges, good luck negotiating with every exchange in the world.
replied 2130d
F*ck coingeek. The whole war was about the name in the first place as I mentioned days ago the only reason BSV did not add Replay protection. let coingeek keep losing money unitil D.
replied 2130d
The day will come, but first the market will have to crash much harder.
replied 2130d
over BCH they changed their tactics once again. nChain is the continuation of Blockstream, it's the other side of the same coin and they both were so successful at infiltrating
"The reality is that we've been attacked twice, both times by private bankrolled startups that became incredibly hostile, using the exact same social warfare tactics to try and sow discord and reap division yet again.
replied 2134d
I am Satoshi
He is just a fraud. He should be ignored, so we can start building and increasing adoption again.
2134d · Refute or Support ABC
What's next? Let me guess: TXs involved in illegal activities should be blocked by court order.
replied 2134d
Why not let SV alive so CSW leaves us alone? He'll be so happy blacklisting and stealing UTXOs...
replied 2134d
well that and his thoughts/arguments are not clearly presented & riddled with insults & constant reminders of how much smarter than everyone else he is. insufferable!
replied 2135d
Win what? ABC already split successfully. SV can have their centralized chain while everyone else continues to support the ABC chain.
replied 2134d
I think the problem is CSW is a Douche Bag. It's easier to ignore the White paper than a Threatening Dictating douche bag.
replied 2135d
Win what? ABC already split successfully. SV can have their centralized chain while everyone else continues to support the ABC chain.
replied 2135d
Yes, and it's clear SV has lost what they set out to do.