Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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replied 2249d
Made me laugh, thanks. I'll considerate your needs, maybe you'll be the only one? :-D
replied 2249d
Definitely green.
GIVEAWAY 26 July 2018: 1 USD (120000 satoshis)! Comment your reason for needing the money. I'll select one of your comments with a tip by the end of the day or the day after. Only 1 comment per user/day please.
I'll start a 1 USD daily giveaway right here on (might increase amount if other memo users chip in with likes-funding). Requirements: Comment on my "Giveaway Memos" and give a good reason why you need it.
replied 2249d
For security and performance.
It's today my first month on and I've reached 237 actions. A good start on decentralizing social media interactions. Anyone who remembers the social Diaspora network idea?
I remember the times where I sold Bitcoins BTC at 140 USD, thinking this was going to be the all time high (newbie speculation). Being in the market teaches more than speaking of the market. Participate & preach.
replied 2250d
Download it here
How bad of an idea would it be if we let the the receiver of Bitcoin Cash to decide their maximum allowed 0-confirmation value before accepting the order? Maybe it would be possible to put a flag on wallet creation?
Started yesterday using the Brave browser on desktop for Mac, it's great and LastPass works. Started today using Brave for Android. Just deleted Chrome! You decide where, when and how your data is shared. New times.
replied 2250d
Ayn Rothbard maybe? dont know much about databases
replied 2250d
I wonder if The Onion would launch their own coin in near future... TheChampCoin made me laugh, thanks for sharing.
This is a pretty good template for what a shitcoin looks like.
2251d ·
I met someone who has BTC and doesn’t even know how to send a transaction. I think we are so far ahead of the curve we don’t even realize
replied 2251d
Same as 30s or even 15s cryptocurrencies. 0conf is the only way.
2251d ·
Don't trust, verify. The new way.
replied 2251d
You can always dollar cost average every month regardless of the price swings in the short term.
replied 2251d
Exactly why I say future earnings (steady accumulation), as I invest very decisively and always keeps investments separated from actual cash savings for the still current FIAT reality.
Is this it? Are we to ever buy a Bitcoin BTC below 7K USD ever again? I am not sure if I am happy about it, since I still have so much FIAT I want to convert to crypto in future earnings. Well, if it's time, rise BTC!
today I am realizing how stupid of me to have zero BTC, despite it is the biggest market cap and have over 50 coins. Need to recalibrate this, goal is to have at least 1 BTC.
2252d · Capitalism
Capitalism helps end starvation. It doesn't cause it
We're moving from a trust and verify later society, towards a verify and then trust society. Don't trust, verify. It's an approach with less need for gov. The original version is a Russian proverb: Trust, but verify.
2252d · Security
If you take your crypto to the grave, Technically the value will be shared amongst everyone equally, as the value will be locked into the system and make everyone else incrementally richer.
2252d · Shit Talk
unfollowed 2252d