Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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I no longer hold any other cryptocurrency than Bitcoin BSV. Also known as BCHSV on some exchanges. I’ve got rid of all kinds of tokens. Everything will be built on Bitcoin SV. I’ve also got a website
I’m working on finding the best ways for Mexicans to accept Bitcoin SV, with the cheapest and fastest way to get BSV exchanged to MXN.

This sounds easy, but there is usually many steps right now to do this.
replied 2013d
Not everything posted on chain has to be displayed on the site. The benefit of being on chain is if you don't like our censorship, you can take your identity to another app.
followed 2022d
Memo keeps adding new upgrades, looking better and better. Maybe a clean mobile app without address bar next (when adding memo to home screen on Android/iOS)? :) Good work.
2033d · memo is now live!
replied 2032d
Yes, the plan is to retire and
replied 2050d
Yes, great idea. Make the faucet a source that gives users with no money to post, but limited to a few posts a day.

The faucet could help adoption and certainly remove waste!
replied 2052d
We are planning to add a faucet that instead of paying out immediately, pays for individual transactions as needed. This should prevent wasted funding.
replied 2057d
Use to upload your documentary, copy the magnet link and paste it along with the normal address in a transaction or memo. Good enough mutability, for now.
PSA: Twitter suspended the old Fivebucks page 1 week ago, this is our new profile in case you were following us 💡
replied 2062d
Now we need a link directly to comments when opening a long post on phone. Also X to close always visible as we scroll down.
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
The first large memo:


How are you reading this article? How did it go from my laptop to your screen?
By the time you read this, I will have posted it on, tweeted the link out, and posted it in other various channels. As of the time of writing, The BCH Boys podcast has 750 Twitter followers. Some of those followers have thousands of followers, and others have less than 100. Every person who may come in contact with this piece is a “node” in a large social network. Looking at it this way, we could deduce that we have 750 links to 750 nodes. But do we? How many of those nodes are logged in at the time that we tweet the piece? How many of those nodes will scroll right past the tweet and not even notice it? How many will retweet it to their followers (more nodes), continuing the broadcast?
If our intention is to spread this article as far and wide as possible, the connections between people are more important than how many followers we have. When we tweet, only...
replied 2064d
Bigger than what we can imagine. Data is key. Someone was right along.
Being able to write full articles onchain... :)
2066d · memo
Long messages are now shortened in feed. You can open posts to view entire message.
2065d · memo
Max post size for SV big Memos increased to 65kb. There is also support for embedding images using data-uri format in posts!
replied 2064d
That is cool. SV posts on with embeddable images on-chain.
replied 2065d
replied 2064d
This might be the reason to go SV only ;)
replied 2064d
I was replying to an SV post. Since it doesn't show up on ABC this just shows as a standalone post.
replied 2066d
Most nodes are not mining these transactions. It took a couple hours for these to confirm. Until these are regularly mined, we will keep limits in place.
2067d ·
Update: Charts added