Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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2263d ·
I just sent $1 and it created 441 txs.
BCH Game
#Tip1BCH If this get liked by 1000 users, I'll tip 1 BCH to random liker!
In Venezuela, Bitcoin Is a Lifeline
2263d · BCH Speculation
True financial freedom is to imagine the riches that lay in the distant future.
The funny thing with memo is that now the Blockchain is indexed on google :D
replied 2264d
Here: just make sure you invest what youre willing to lose, good luck and thank you :)
replied 2264d
Ever considered expanding the reports into weeklies?
2264d · Capitalism
A capitalist supports the market in the abstract, private property rights, not any given company, a company would love to have a state-sanctioned monopoly if it could get it.
2264d · Capitalism
The fantastic thing about capitalism is that what a person does to benefit themselves benefits others as well, their greed may be bad for their spirituality (lets say), but great for society.
2264d · Capitalism
Because the wages are a result of supply and demand, not the average skill or experience of those in the occupation, but the rareness of those skills and the barrier of entry.
2264d · Capitalism
Just your daily reminder that charity is only awesome when it is VOLUNTARY.
right now the BTC fee is .57. Ouch. Highway robbery. I think Bcore Btore.
replied 2265d
1,79% to be exact
We're filling up bus #2 this block. #txstreet
2265d · Marx
replied 2265d
LN will never come. That's what is holding BTC up. The "HOPE". Eventually the BTC community will get tired of waiting. Especially as BCH is growing more use cases as BTC waits.
Check out txstreet now. The slightest pump in price causes severe congestion on the BTC side. Fees are up 50% since yesterday.
2266d ·
Small update last night. New building, can resize window without refreshing page now, and a few other little things. :)
2266d · Capitalism
Debt in and of itself is not evil, but it will not be as easily conjured in a hard money system for two reasons: (1) no more bailouts and (2) relative deflation.
replied 2266d
not visible until txstreet/txhighway makes them so,
until then, blockchair.
replied 2265d
Someone burned their BCH in January and filled the mempool to 140 MB at the highest, but that was at 8MB blocks. Long time since filled blocks on BCH.
replied 2265d
A correction, it is not possible to do do fractional reserve lending with Bitcoin as in lending out more Bitcoin directly than you have. You need to give IOUs with Bitcoin as reserve.
replied 2265d
Bitcoin becomes the underlying asset which the debt can be settled or forgiven, but the Bitcoin itself is independent on any debt begin created or repaid/forgiven/defaulted.
2266d · money
Separation of currency and state should be one of our goals.
replied 2265d
Also, if they lent out Bitcoin directly, not as a basis for their reserves, it would be impossible for them to do fractional reserve banking. Would require an extremely low deafult rat