Just sms-texted my first BCH transaction with https://cointext.io from Mexico. Worked flawlessly and shows that BCH can make movement of money instant and borderless for anyone worldwide. Anyone else who tried?
With GDPR now in effect, would data locked into a blockchain forever be a problem? What do you think? I think there will be filters (which will be havens for censorship) in all sorts that would be mandatory by law.
One can never be sure enough about security, always make sure you have a backup of your backup. Make the backup of the backup as secure or more secure than the original backup. Crypto assets have changed everything.
The usability of BCH is proving itself with memo.cash & other services that makes immutable information on-chain. With 1-2 BCH sat per byte VS 5-6 BTC sat per byte transactions, will Lightning reach adoption in time?
Cryptocurrency brings us to a new time where we are absolutely responsible for all of our actions; if you gamble and loose, you can't get it back. You are alone responsible for whatever you do with your wealth.
I'm invested 10% of all available assets in a selection of cryptocurrencies. Also using some BCH as a hot wallet quite frequently and looking forward to use it everywhere possible. Let's see where the future takes me.
I am currently using BRD wallet on Android for BCH. I am not completely satisfied with it, anyone having better wallets that they'd suggest? Looking to switch.
Memo.cash is immutable information by design. Pay a few satoshis to speak freely and it will be available for decades without any way of editing or deleting it in the future.
1. Buy crypto. 2. Offload crypto from exchange to a safe personal wallet (your keys). 3. Buy every possible product and service you usually buy; with crypto. 4. Buy equal crypto spent on products and services. Repeat.
I was thinking while driving today how blockchain (BCH with op-code space) can revolutionize the way taxis are ordered, rated, etc, and how part info can be visible to the customer and part to regulation (tax) etc...