Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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replied 2256d
En Fri Mand
Yes. Not really a problem.
Being an early adopter: investing real money back in 2012/2013, Mt.Gox bankruptcy and buying a Trezor wallet for 1 BTC. Those moments will be something to tell my future kids.
replied 2256d
replied 2256d
I understand. Life is full of unexpected events, I know that as well as you. I still and always will hope the best for you and your family. I hope you're debt free in no time!
Inform people on ideas and opportunities that are out there. Be diligent and do not stop helping people to understand. It took me years before I matured around cryptocurrencies, expect the same for newbies as well.
You have a voice, remember it while going through life. You can change the world, remember that when waking up tomorrow. You are the most important person you "should" know, remember that. Discover who you are, first.
replied 2257d
Debt free = personal peace. One of my biggest regular payments is rent, so I am going to ask my landlord next month if he'll accept payment in BCH or BTC. Crossing my fingers!
By the end of 2017, my family decided to get rid off all credit cards. It's halfway 2018 and we've paid everything in cash, mostly with debit cards. Goal by the end of 2018 is to use BCH for more regular payments.
created poll 2257d
How much of your overall investments (stocks, currencies, funds, etc) are in Bitcoin Cash?
10% BCH 4 votes · 0 satoshis
20% BCH 0 votes · 0 satoshis
30% BCH 3 votes · 700 satoshis
40% BCH 0 votes · 0 satoshis
50% BCH 4 votes · 0 satoshis
60% BCH 0 votes · 0 satoshis
70% BCH 2 votes · 1,000 satoshis
80% BCH 3 votes · 600 satoshis
90% BCH 1 votes · 1,000 satoshis
100% BCH 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Don't have any investments (less than 100 USD) in BCH 4 votes · 546 satoshis


replied 2257d
I agree one can not re-lend the same asset, but one can lend more from same asset (to other fiat?) if it appraise in value. Like many house owners do when using their house as an ATM.
replied 2257d
A new start with 10K USD. I wish you luck and hope you find someone willing to give it trade it with you. I hope your story will learn more young people not to take unnecessary debt.
replied 2257d
One can expand debt, whatever the underlying asset, but the interest (when not regulated) the market is dynamically setting will price in the risk-reward with higher or lower %.
replied 2257d
I should clearly have added a question mark instead of a dot at the "LN is coming?" ;-)
replied 2257d
I agree, there are some problems with BTC when there are spikes and high demands. I do find BCH more attractive lately, especially the steady 0-conf and low satoshi fees. LN is coming.
replied 2257d
6800 USD to almost 7400 in less than 60 minutes is a huge increase.
2257d ·
How can we make CoinText more secure regarding the protection of the private key? If I understand correctly, one simple leak of the software can generate the private key for all phone numbers.
First time I personally see the 1MB breakthrough on happening for BCH, 2nd bus in operation!
replied 2258d
I didn't see your opinion as criticism, I was just responding like we were having a normal conversation. I hope to see more of you and do update us on that BCH birthday party!
replied 2258d
I am sure it will be improved over time, at least there is progress with All praise to the creative teams & individuals who devote their time to these things.
replied 2258d
Yes, I love it too. I first discovered the a while back. The is a clear favorite.
2258d ·
Visit and get your Bitcoin Cash wallet for your mobile phone number. Please discuss news, improvements, tips, adoption and interesting point of views around
replied 2258d
Maybe use registering for users wanting some free satoshis by requesting the phone number (off-chain). I know it's not ready worldwide, but it could be a possibility soon.
replied 2259d
En Fri Mand
It does not work from Mexico either, but I assume it won't take that much time (maybe weeks), before it's available worldwide + any currency *cross fingers*
I eat and sleep crypto. I can't take my mind off it, it clearly changes things from a geek perspective. Now we only need more smart and passionate marketing people to get onboard, crypto is getting ripe enough.