Jellyfish Turritopsis can live forever by reversing its aging process
Unwashed eggs stay fresh longer because they still got protective coating
To maintain blood the body produces about 2.5 million new cells each second
Hiroshima is no loner radioactive because the bomb didn't touch the ground
Hiroshima is no loner radioactive because the bomb didn't touch the ground
Drying your hands with paper towel is more hygienic than use of hand dryer
About 8 out of 10 fatal accidents in the world happen home
There are more molecules in a glass of water than stars in known universe
Honey does not spoil. Properly stored it stays good for hundreds of years
Natural gas does not smell. It's being odorized for safety artificially
Natural gas does not smell. It's being odorized for safety artificially
Holding back a sneeze might kill you
Brass doorknobs kill bacteria because of the oligodynamic effect
Rubber was originally named so for its ability to function as an eraser
Seahorse is the slowest fish known
A human baby has 99 more bones than an adult
Mass adoption happens when developers face SteveJobs.
SteveJob you code!
Botulinum toxin is the most acutely lethal toxin known
Albatross can maintain an average flight speed of 130 km/h for 8 hours
The liver of a polar bear is deadly poisonous to humans
2.5-4% of the genes in human DNA were inherited from Neanderthals