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saved 1335d
Humans are brilliant only to the amount that they feel responsible for themselves & those they love
saved 1335d
saved 1336d
saved 1336d
search "book" on metastore.app & you find this:

"Recreating Bitcoin. A popular science book which tells a fictional story of Satoshi creating Bitcoin at a cafe in a small town. Recommended by Dr. Craig S Wright"

saved 1337d
Hello and welcome to twetch !
saved 1339d
welcome to twetch teddy!
saved 1339d
that's the goal !
saved 1339d
saved 1339d
for high fee coins (BTC, USD, etc) the solution is to calculate the fee the user is going to pay and set a minimum deposit amount that ensures the fee is like below 5%

so for BTC the minimum deposit would be quite high

it would show which are more useful
saved 1339d
for fiat or coin with high fees like BTC, you would have a native component or a third party offering to deposit a big amount in a wallet and exchange them for stable coin tokens on BSV like @18754 's USDC-Run

then you can spend them using nanopayments
saved 1339d
Imagine if ALL current & new BSV developpers had a solution that was instantly interoperable with all current & future wallets, that allowed userd to pay in BSV, or ANY OTHER CRYPTO or even ALL FIAT & autoconvert to BSV
saved 1339d
saved 1339d
@24 that's what I was talking about, this would change the game for developping on BSV

All BSV apps would become instantly operable with all wallets

Eventually we also add support for ALL other crypto and autoconvert using @18754 OTC or similar
saved 1339d
Just imagine if a solution like paypresto.co had support for:
- remembering your last payment option
- much simpler UX after that
- eventually makes itselfs invisible (especially for micropayments)
- support for invisible buttons for nanopayments
saved 1339d
The difference between fighting for money vs fighting for freedom is, when you fight for freedom solutions that enhance your neighbor's freedom also enhance yours, it's a virtuous cycle
saved 1339d
People think that a immune system is something nature gives us


the immune system is a muscle

if you don't go lift weights, you won't have muscles

if you don't train it, you don't have a immune system
saved 1340d
is MB purgatory before or after being banned for political views ? confused
saved 1340d
Welcome to twetch ! you just entered the future of social media & so much more
saved 1340d
I heard 50k users but as you say since they are distributing thousands $ of money every day to maintain it I wouldn't bet much on the value of such a community, still interesting to see them try to compete!
saved 1340d
their twetch clone https://noise.cash/ because they have some big investors that allow them to distribute around $3000 per day to users

more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/l5wzsq/about_those_bch_transactions/
saved 1340d
For the first time all 3 versions of Bitcoin generate the same amount of transactions per day
saved 1340d
In the future humanity will refer to this time as the Great Awakening, where people realized in a very short time all the big lies that have been going on for decades. And what you saw already? that's just the start.
saved 1340d