Big Mac Attack

Joined Jul 13, 2018

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2423d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
followed 2423d
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2424d · Virginia
Roanoke/Cave Springs/Salem area I heard good things about.
2424d · Stellar and Mt Gox
Jed McCaleb (from Mt Gox) is a big player in Stellar. Wasn't Mt Gox a scam or they had a coding error that clipped people's funds?
2424d · Virginia
Who's been there? Would you relocate there?
2424d · Syscoin
One on my pals said this coin is screwed. He got in at $0.45 and now it's $0.14. Their Blockmarket Desktop is a scaled down far cry from an OpenBazaar.
2424d · Sharding
Is Vitalk for real or he just bluffing about Sharding improvements. Cause ETH can't scale well, that's what the big crypto guys say.
2424d · nChain
What big updates are these guys planning? They got some new patents approved.
2425d · Bitmain
Ver needs to release news article, before BTC guys run with that BitPico side of the story.
2425d · Ripple vs BCH
Both XRP and BCH are pretty much instant payments. 4 seconds for XRP. But doesn't XRP have an upper hand tech/scaling wise?
2425d · Ripple vs BCH
Transactions per second = tps. Even BTC has a number. What's BCH's?
2425d · Bitmain
Blocking BitPico from running BCH nodes. Dang, so much for "decentralization". What's Roger Ver's response to this?
2425d · Ripple vs BCH
XRP = 1,500 tps. What's BCH TPS?
set name to Big Mac Attack 2425d
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