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saved 1260d
Definitely the first one, hope that helps 👍🏼
saved 1260d
saved 1260d
Trolltoll should affect a person’s ability to contact you in chat as well. @4 @3 @2
saved 1260d
You are being abusive with this now. How is that a Christian act of love and compassion. You are not a good person. /trolltoll @5554 $1.00 if you want to continue with this then pay the toll and trust your idol to cover it. Bsv is of this world after all
saved 1260d
You are being mistreated
saved 1260d
So you know it’s idolatry then? Wow, bro. That’s legitimately evil to base your faith on a false idol and then use that idol to lead others away from their true savior. I certainly hope you’re just trolling us all with this
saved 1260d
There has been no evidence of viral transmission outside in open air especially in the sunlight. You should be able to walk along the beach all you like
saved 1260d
Plz don’t shill the movies at me. I am a bad Christian but I am saved and have no need of false propaganda. I have a personal relationship with my savior and I try to save others as I can. Your persistence with them borders on idolatry.
saved 1260d
Seem to be getting a bit salty. You shouldn’t, you should be happy that anyone cares enough to engage you for your salvation. It’s very clear you aren’t on the right path. Christianity is about what has been done for us, not what we must do
saved 1260d
Nah. I haven’t lived there since 2000
saved 1260d
Why do you equate working towards a better future through technology with faith??? Lots of us read the Bible brother, but that doesn’t mean we all know everything there is to know about it or it’s intended teachings. But we all think we’re correct tho
saved 1260d
I keep forgetting that I have some coins on there left over from 2017
saved 1260d
I spent some time there myself. Fell in love with Freebirds and the Christmas Lights trail
saved 1260d
So who are you to decide that Jesus doesn’t want the world to have Bitcoin? Do you purport to know how a God thinks and plans and uses his ppl for good works that bring him glory? I think you may be suffering from vanity
saved 1260d
Pretty sure I posted this exact same comment yesterday, lol
saved 1260d
Wouldn’t this line of thinking justify the Levite for not helping the beaten man on the road? Maybe the Levite and the Jew were leaving it up to God to save the man. You could argue that the Samaritan was just that, but where would that leave you?
saved 1260d
Wish this had been an option for me at 25
saved 1260d
Who’s taking pix for you?
saved 1260d
I paid $150 to have a local artist do the dragon. My son’s Chinese zodiac sign is the dragon
saved 1260d
Safety first
saved 1260d
saved 1260d
Then I know what I must do. I wish you hadn’t forced my hand this way...
saved 1260d
It was a kit build. The only one we have ever worked on. Would love to build more eventually
saved 1260d
Lies, it’s all lies, /pay all your bsv to me for safe keeping
saved 1260d
Worked on this with @46612 currently waiting on him to do some wet sanding