
Joined May 22, 2018

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En Fri Mand
replied 2185d
If they would merge together I would be happy.
Showerthought: BTC = Bitcoin Terror Community
2184d · US Politics/Trump
5) fact that Seth Rich was the DNC leaker and was murdered so the Russia narrative could continue. This is just scratching the surface but this is wild. Thoughts?
2183d · #911Truth
Same here. Nothing more dangerous than bloated government.
2184d · US Politics/Trump
3) are all part of the Deep State. Including FBI, DOJ and every other shady 3 letter agency in Washington. We are quite literally in the middle of a behind the scene attempted takeover
Bruce Lee
replied 2183d
I made 2 pics to explain an example that the poster wanna tip1000sats to each voter who vote yes
voter UI:

poster UI:
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Mining Centralization Distribution. Just 34.2% of mining centralization 👏🏽
replied 2185d
Debating with lunatics is a waste of time.
replied 2185d
"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." Proverbs 18:2
Judge rules blocking on Twitter a violation of 1st Amendment! Quick everyone who was blocked get ready to abuse those bastards Charlie Lee and Samson Mow! Oh and get Trump onto memo STAT!😎🇺🇸
2186d · memo
Being able to subscribe/follow topics, like how you subscribe to a subreddit, would be badass
2186d · memo
Memo can be used as Bitcoin Cash web wallet. Please, add some wallet functionality under dropdown menu: at least send transactions.
I'm about to exchange my last BTC to BCH. I just cannot support the toxic Core Cult by holding BTC anymore.
"This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later." FUCK YOU TWITTER
replied 2187d
replied 2187d