Awakening Logos

Joined Oct 11, 2018

Could there be more than meets the eye?
Connect the dots and see what's been kept hidden from you at

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voted Option 2 2297d
created poll 2300d
I need your help again. Please look at this album and help me decide which option to go with for the new front end of TxStreet. After this I'm getting started.
Option 1 5 votes (5 unique) · 1,789 satoshis
Option 2 9 votes (8 unique) · 0 satoshis
Option 3 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis


Good Morning and greeting from Tibet. The roof of the world. May the happiness and joyous spread all arounds you.
followed 2298d
replied 2298d
White men are people too
Namaste. Hopefully this life is your last.
replied 2298d
1111 satoshis here to a good graduation ;)
@brianxv15 I'm loving the Hivr beta
Hypothetical current situation regarding the upcoming hard fork [tinfoil hat needed]
replied 2300d
Interesting! No amazon ones? Unfortunately is not an option for, .es, .it, etc.
Great step in the right direction!
voted 2300d
created poll 2300d
Images below, which is better? Can you read the text well? Text isn't final, I only need to know about the format. 4 votes (4 unique) · 0 satoshis 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis


replied 2300d
It's unthinkable for a government like US' to outsource the issuance of its own currency to a private corporation. This should be taught in school!
Most people don't have interest in cryptocurrencies because they don't know fiat money is purposefully designed to keep them pushing a boulder up a hill. Having to ask permission to use your money is ridiculous.
Most people don't have interest in cryptocurrencies because they don't know fiat money is purposefully designed to keep them pushing a boulder up a hill. Having to ask permission to use your money is ridiculous.
replied 2303d
Currently, the specification is the best documentation. Visit for a link to it, or join the discord server ( to chat about CashID.
This is a preview of a project I'm going to be using Money Button for...still in editing
replied 2303d
Hello, we'd love to learn more about the benefits of CashID. Where may we do so?
This Week In Bitcoin Just out!
Coinbase announcing their support of #USDC
Star Xu and OkEx's tough week
HTC's launch of 1st #blockchain phone
Plus! 10 days that shook #Bitcoin world.
Someone is voting Memes to the top:
It only goes to show the power of voting bots who overpower real users. Reddit is a terrible platform, almost as bad as Twitter.
2305d · CashID
Tomorrow I will be interviewed by the BCH Boys () about CashID.
voted December 1st 2306d
created poll 2306d
Mega blast stress test attempt of 5,000,000+ transactions November 15th or December 1st?
November 15th 6 votes · 125,344 satoshis
December 1st 34 votes · 164,638 satoshis
Never, tests are stupid. HODL! 0 votes · 0 satoshis


Bitcoin Cash Association Just Announced They Will Financially Support eatBCH! 👏🏻

They will be giving $1000 of BCH each month to those in need. #Freedom is #BCH.

Thanks so much guys, you're incredible!
@brianxv created a stunning custom QR code for our donation page (
Great work! We are super happy!
replied 2306d
It's possible but there is no evidence of technology or a species that could create it - I'd say it's unlikely.
replied 2306d
We will have an article about Out of Place artifacts in the future that will provide food for thought! :)
replied 2307d
I look forward to seeing your site, from what I saw so far it's going to be awesome!
@brianxv created a stunning custom QR code for our donation page (
Great work! We are super happy!