Yeah they do seem to love the water I think that's where they mainly stay. I have seen one like a huge one just above tree line I don't understand how they can travel in community area
Weird part about the ones over lake Erie was many people saw them but I never heard a word about it. Heck I didn't even remember seeing them until well over 10 years later.
Seen several UFOs over the decades.From several small ones with a mothership over lake Erie to a huge triangular one hovering silently. Lots of small ones near high voltage power lines
Not too scary since you can look them up on a block explorer that supports SLP tokens. You can also check the token itself and still see that you hold them there. Happened to me too.
Is there some kind of bug with the wallet? All my tokens disappeared overnight and I can't tip with them. Still showing balances under the token markets though.
Well there seems to be a bug with memo wallet. All my tokens disappeared overnight so I can't send anything right now. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
McDonalds Monopoly game. Each piece is a separate token. Right combos give you a prize winning token that can be redeemed. Full game transparency from number to pieces to prizes claimed.
After making a little [beer joke]( I started wondering. Is it possible to burn 2 or more tokens to receive a third? This could be big for contests. Think 1/2
Wow. Pretty soon full Christmas light displays will be set off by paying Bitcoin Cash through the internet. LOL
Already had that ability with the outlets.Think bigger. Lighted billboards advertisers can set the message on by switching bulbs on and off with a series of transactions.