Add a copy address for your wallet addresses and fix the slp address so when clicked on opens with a proper url to a block explorer. Right now it just tries to open the address in browser.
I just gave the faucet a try. One minor problem. When I copied the slp address there was a trailing space so the faucet kept saying invalid slp address. Might want to trim the entry.
I will be releasing a beta for the new version of TxStreet soon. If you have any suggestions of what 'houses' you'd like to see on there, please let me know! The txs need to be trackable.
Can we get railroads and hotels to go along with the houses?
Reading your last few women posts on the new feed it reads as you found out from facebook that flower tats on the left signify LGBTQ & used that knowledge to trick & seduce a lesbian.
I tried destiny2 when if first came out. Did the free trial. Did all 25 levels in a day and it got real boring after that. Hate DLC heavy games too. If I pay for it I should get it all