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saved 1349d
I read that when I was deep-diving into bitcoin/BSV/etc. It had me scratching my head as it seemed a 180 from the current narratives. I think there's room for multiple visions of the future landscape, but I do think consistency is key to traction/adoption.
saved 1349d
saved 1349d
And say what exactly? “Hi, please convince Paxos to include BSV so it can expedite your very demise as a transaction agent and payment processor.”?

CA then re-tweeted an article from “TAAL CEO, Jerry Chan” (just highlights turnover). Tough day it seems.

saved 1350d
I saw @1649 engage on Twitter when this happened -- but then nothing else. Wasn't fully following what what the vito gentleman/woman was saying... rewards too small and BTC.TOP shutting things down.

Do you have a layman's version of what was going on?
saved 1350d
saved 1350d
This plus Gilder's ruminations -- just had me asking myself:
How stoney is that protocol actually?
How is that 21M cap actually enforced?

Again, I think the answer is that if an attempt were made to violate the cap - the miners / processors would reject.
saved 1350d
Copy that. I'm familiar w/ MMT - just was reading her book as she's the current face of it. Just listening to CSW emphasize his roll as the "issuer" made me think of parallels -- as MMT rests on the idea that Gov'ts can print as they "issue" the currency.
saved 1350d
"Total circulation will be 21,000,000 coins."

Any further detailed definition of circulation?

Sorry for the rather basic questions, just re-addressing fundamentals.

Overall, I presume the economic incentives of maintaining "the protocol" will push...
saved 1350d
Meaning, in the analogy/rhetoric on set-in-stone... the "protocol" -- what exactly is being ref'd. If the stone is the words of Satoshi himself... and the 21M supply isn't in the white paper but in his postings -- and that's considered a verbal contract...
saved 1350d
Reading "The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton this week. Very accessible read (~3rd grade lvl?) on MMT. Paints a good pic of where fiat-issuers are going.

Question: In BSV-world, if CSW is the "issuer" of bitcoin... what prevents him from issuing more?
saved 1350d
I don't believe it will. PayPal has partnered with Paxos. Paxos intentionally didn't support BSV at the fork. Will have to re-check though.
saved 1351d
This is a mutable blockchain, right? 😅
saved 1351d
saved 1351d
For those disappointed with BSV's price action, hopeful CSW is who he says he is, and ok w/ baseless conspiracy conjecture...
We've seen Satoshi-era bitcoin moved recently, including one with no corresponding BSV sale. Meanwhile, evidence window is closing
saved 1351d
Is there an analysis/projection of differences nChain's TeraNode and Xoken's VegaNode. Somewhat like @145's piece on TXDB?

I'm not a dev, and these aren't public companies - so, just curious in the broad strokes... and any impact on TAAL's future relev..
saved 1351d
Pervasive digital twinning. Not just of the "thing" the company is tracking but the "things" the "thing" interacts with (e.g., the weather/traffic flow at a distribution center). If rhetoric is true - Geospock, WeatherSV, etc. have begun explor.. @1 @2 @3
saved 1351d
Is there a good article or synopsis that reflects your thought/position well (in more detail) that you can share? Recognize it's hard to put a lot of narrative in the twetch character limitations...
saved 1351d
At what point is there a sufficient network effect to serve as a sufficient moat?

I find perceptions of network effect interesting. People seem to have very different constructs. For instance, Jon Matonis worked at nChain, worked w/ "Satoshi" & yet...

saved 1351d
saved 1352d
saved 1352d
Ah, thanks for the clarification... thought he was referring to posts in general.
saved 1352d
How do you edit?
saved 1352d
I'm not sure I ever saw that default entry -- maybe because my first post was a reply...?
saved 1352d
@1215 - is there no way to purchase w/ BSV?
saved 1353d
What’s your EDC? LCP? 43?