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saved 1454d
saved 1454d
Since they'd be bypassing the windbell site to to pay a $1 there. $1 means the mix would likely need to exceed 10 bells (vs following the bots at $0.10 ea) following rate... unless they see the value in the clean push of that content from the feed into DM.
saved 1454d
For instance, I took an anti-BSVer mix and added a "BTC Test" mix into the same "Core Trolls" chat. Probably worthless here, but if you had quality curation -- you could manage multiple mixes through a DM clubhouse and charge for access to recoup costs...
saved 1454d
I've been experimenting with @17329 mixes in chat. Not sure how "editable" the mixes will be once generated, but, if still requiring costs for tx (even if to chat vs post on-chain) -- but the chats let you aggregate mixes... so a "channel" can evolve.
saved 1454d
I'm sure @3 @2 @1 etc. are studying the traffic intently to see how specific features impact broader culture/engagement. Tough to balance it all. When they get to a certain point w/ the formula - would love to see an @14352 talk w/ them on their process...
saved 1454d
That said, the greater general feed abandonment accelerated by the bots was inevitable - so, something that needed to be experienced/worked. I also bought DMs to support the guys, as I think it's a needed feature (even if I haven't used much). Learning...
saved 1454d
Concur. I don't really DM much (not very "plugged-in") - so not sure if the aggregate activity is still at a similar level or has varied. DMs are obviously more cost-effective (& private) for small-group comm. Bots also probably diluted on stream traffic.
saved 1455d
Interesting. I've often wondered if coming in after the emotion of the block size wars makes it easier to see value in BSV.

My introduction to bitcoin was, oddly enough, a random Kindle suggestion to read CSW's "Satoshi's Vision: The Art of Bitcoin." 😅
saved 1456d
After I tried Twetch, I thought I'd try Twitter to compare. When creating the account, I was randomly given @Benajmi53057671 as my handle... and I didn't bother to change it.
Question: Is that such an odd/sybilish name that I should just get a new account?
saved 1456d
I stopped posting litigation updates as I know most find them a bit tiresome. But, just thought I'd let you know the Ira-Lynn battle rages on in probate court. Relatively recent filing; Lynn's attorney pressing hard on trying to invalidate Ira as W&K rep.
saved 1456d
Don't see a dead-bird though. Interesting. Also, this "select quality" is new (to me). @852 fellas - always iterating...
saved 1456d
Doh - somehow missed the "link to twetch" toggle. Thx!
saved 1456d
saved 1456d
I notice people Twetching/Tweeting the same post... but w/o the big "You can view this post on Twetch" stamp. Is there a way to ctrl that, or are people just copy & pasting and double-posting? If so, which comes first? Logic? Just curious about behavior...
saved 1456d
Likewise, if you want your daily twitter btc troll dose for situational awareness on platform (but situated away, w/ notifications off) -- you can subscribe to the 'Anti-BSV Notables' mix at https://windbell.app/discover/.

I know - an odd mix to make.

saved 1456d
So, Twetch helps w/ trolls (until they break the tolls w/ polls... if that is what is happening??). How does Twetch help w/ identity theft? Is on-chain identity essential or invasive?

saved 1456d
saved 1456d
Why boasteth thyself, O evil men
Playing smart and-a not being clever!
I said you're working iniquity
To achieve vanity (if a-so, a-so),
But the goodness of Jah - Jah
Endureth for ever
saved 1457d
saved 1457d
saved 1457d
saved 1461d
Hmmm... Inklings. I see some Coghills, Dysons, Foxes, etc.

Where is the Lewis and Tolkiens? I'd like to participate in their ITO (Initial Token Offering?).

Just messin'...😅
saved 1461d
saved 1461d
Hi Stas!

If you have any thoughts that haven't been articulated / understood -- by all means, all ears!

The token panel was a bit awkward--like frienemies speaking abstractly about where BSV should go. Understand if you can't, given royalty entanglement.
saved 1462d