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Joined May 08, 2018

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1951d · US Politics/Trump
I don't like that he charged wikileaks with Espionage act. This is a gross affront to the first amendment.
[email protected]
2207d · global warming
Isn't global warming a Chinese Hoax?
[email protected]
2216d · Racism
I hope we as a society can move beyond the issue of racism.
[email protected]
2218d · Congratulations on the 21 MB block, BCH!
Hope one day we can have day-to-day transaction volume of 32 MB!
voted Bitcoin Unlimited 2221d
created poll 2222d
Which client do you trust most?
*Assume public knowledge for SV
Bitcoin ABC 6 votes · 6,666 satoshis
Bitcoin Unlimited 49 votes · 19,129 satoshis
Bitcoin SV 55 votes · 27,915 satoshis
Bitcoin XT 3 votes · 0 satoshis
bcash 0 votes · 0 satoshis


[email protected]
2224d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
I'm willing to give CSW a shot, but so far Bitcoin SV code isn't released yet. I'm very skeptical on that can deliver a well-tested client by fork date in Nov, 2018.
voted Yes 2262d
created poll 2262d
Does the stress test on September 1st will succeed at maxing out Bitcoin Cash and create 32 mb blocks?
Yes 24 votes · 4,212 satoshis
No 3 votes · 0 satoshis
I'm not aware of any stress test 0 votes · 0 satoshis


[email protected]
2303d · Onchain Betting
[email protected]
2307d · 纪念二十九年前为自由死去的人们
[email protected]
2307d · Transaction Malleability Debate
There are, but none have been rigoriously tested. I think it's a non-issue and we are not at a point where off-chain txns are needed.
[email protected]
2314d · Is memo basically a gift to miners?
Yes, BCH spent here goes to miners. It's a good system because miners secure the blockchain, and therefore your posts.
[email protected]
2317d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
[email protected]
2318d · Rest in peace John Bain
Liked your cynical review.
[email protected]
2319d · US Politics/Trump
Trump has a real shot at Nobel Peace Price with the NK negotiations. Trump blew it by mentioning Libya model.
[email protected]
2320d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
[email protected]
2320d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
4. 闪电钱包需要链上节点支持防止偷币,大多数用户根本不知道如何跑节点(也没能力),必须靠第三方支持。
[email protected]
2320d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
3. 在主链严重拥堵的情况下,如果不能按时结算,可能造成闪电币被偷。(闪电白皮书讲到了的)
[email protected]
2320d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
2. 闪电网络要扩容必须走轴心模式,网络中心必须是几个款爷大节点,不然liquidity不够。
[email protected]
2320d · BTC的闪电网络是用技术解决问题
LN有几个比较明显的问题,我说明一下。1. 要接收闪电币,你闪电钱包必须在线。这个对有些用户不现实。
[email protected]
2321d · 这网站是有敏-感-词的
[email protected]
2321d · 这网站是中国人做的吗
[email protected]
2321d · BCHStressTest
Even at 1 sat/byte, spamming cost a lot of money. What do I know, I'm just a poor guy.
[email protected]
2322d · BCH内幕
[email protected]
2324d · Blockchair
Thank you!
[email protected]
replied 2325d
Spot on!