
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Bitcoin.

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2107d · Bitcoin SV
ABC Circle Jerk
2107d · Bitcoin SV
2107d · Bitcoin SV
2108d · Bitcoin Cash
2109d · Bitcoin Cash
2109d · Bitcoin SV
"After many months of mulling whether this article was right, I was only faced with the truth. I truly believe Dr. Craig Steven Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto."
2109d · Bitcoin SV
2110d · Bitcoin SV
Don't be an ABC pawn like CryptoShoppe was, and get thrown away like a used side of meat.
2110d · Bitcoin SV
2111d · Bitcoin SV
ABC Circle Jerk
2111d · Bitcoin SV
2111d · Bitcoin SV
2111d · Bitcoin SV
Make Bitcoin Stable Again, Kick those criminal LoonyTunes down the Wormhole.
2111d · Bitcoin SV
He's like Trump with brains like Steven Hawkings.
2111d · Bitcoin SV
I love that CSW guy (not in a creepy way), puts those soyboys in there places.
2112d · Minarchism
Don't know Minarchism works, but the cons of Statism in mainly Politicians and wars.
2112d · Minarchism
Wouldn't having just police and judicial system be the sweet spot? only sales tax to pay their wages, no income tax.
2112d · Minarchism
Debate here. Why the hell is everyone in Bitcoin a AnCap or Statist? Anyone lean to Minarchy side?
Jihan Wu sure fucked that sentence up. #BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHpls

BSV becoming own coin was a good thing, now the anti-government wackos can focus on ABC Coin and that Ponzi Scheme called BTC. #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV #WeChooseSV #nChain
2114d · Bitcoin Cash
AnCaps had nearly a decade to make Bitcoin Sound Money, it's our turn to try.