
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Bitcoin.

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2246d · Bitcoin Cash
2247d · Bitcoin SV
BTC talked the buzz word salad game and didn't deliver on real world results.
2247d · Bitcoin SV
If BCH could make itself better in real world results I'd might see it as less of an attack. All this buzz word salad, technical mumbo jumbo means nothing if it doesn't mean better scaling.
2247d · US Politics/Trump
Sure all the Rednecks agree with that.
2247d · US Politics/Trump
2247d · US Politics/Trump
The new Donald Trump Theme Song? Invaders must Die by The Prodigy
2248d · Goodbye Steemit
^ They are sticking their greedy hands out so you fork up more Steem Power. You can convert STEEM to STEEM Power OR unload a small amount of crypto to buy more Power.
Now that we are in the age of atomic swaps we can finally move coin portfolios around without evil Casino Exchanges. Now is a very good time to dump #50 or lower ranked coins!
I'm not for pumping shitcoins. But If you are looking to unload worthless junk around home for shitcoins, why not? Then later exchange it for better more common coin.
If all fails with traffic on OpenBazaar and Forra. You could just sell your stuff on Steemit via Steembay, then exchange for better coin.
2249d · US Politics/Trump
Scrubs sucking on government tits get kicked off. We owe freeloaders nothing, watch them flee to Canada when the Gravy Train is derailed.
2249d · US Politics/Trump
^ nope we are Making America Great Again for working class, and Worst Again for welfare bums.
replied 2249d
I never said ether way if you were pro or anti Hillary. I had a hard time decoding the figurative language in first reply, sorry.
replied 2249d
48.2% of the voters though she was suitable.So they believed she was good enough or at the very least lesser of the two evils.
replied 2249d
2249d · Favorite Quotes
"I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I'm more honest and my women are more beautiful." - Donald J Trump
2249d · Favorite Quotes
"All of the women on 'The Apprentice' flirted with me—consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected." - Donald J Trump
2249d · Favorite Quotes
"I'm also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has." - Donald J Trump
replied 2249d
If Hillary Clinton was suitable for President why the faithless electors against her?
2249d · US Politics/Trump
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 2020? Maybe enough Liberal Whites will think she's hot (she's not), then vote for her?
2249d · US Politics/Trump
Most government dependent bums would like Single Payer Healthcare, and more Social Security Ponzi Scheme money. They would have all felt the Bern.
2249d · US Politics/Trump
2249d · US Politics/Trump
Bernie Sanders might have won, as majority of Demon Rat base is socialist. Next time try harder.