
Joined Jun 16, 2018

I’m a daddy and that’s about it.

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2152d · Bitcoin Cash
@Alberto I hate to spread FUD... but I think crypto will continue to crash until BTC is dead. Sell your HODLings and get ready to buy back in the fall.
replied 2152d
Uh, the first is more likely than the other two. Particularly the last one. Selfie at Sea of Tranquility coming 2058 (hopefully ;)) #OP_RETURN_OR_IT_DIDN'T_HAPPEN
I want to make a BCH Meetup in my country, but I dont have funds to make it. I can plan something real good with your help.
replied 2154d
Took his $7 & ran!
2154d · Medicine
It's sad we inject our kids with heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Robs children of their destiny. Read "The Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion" - toxic vaccines planned to destroy goyim
replied 2154d
to generate buying pressure on BCH? a fork of BCH? that might temporarily increase buying but people who do will all be for short term gains, no thought to ecosystem growth
replied 2154d
If BCH reaches $100 or lower I'm buying at least 10. HODL that into my grave if i have to.
This is my first post, let me introduce myself, I am Alberto Alarcon, I am 26yrs old, from Venezuela, publicist, marketer and amateur photographer, I believe that blockchain is one more step into evolution of mankind.
2155d · Coinex
CET is crypto, just like many, you can always sell CET to have more BCH. My pair is CET/BCH, the goal is to have more BCH.
replied 2156d
No I sent them BCH. I put cash is king in a separate memo post
I have some family visiting and thought I would show them BCH via cointext. Look at them all checking out their new wallets
I have some family visiting and thought I would show them BCH via cointext. Look at them all checking out their new wallets
En Fri Mand
Got 2 people onboard with BCH yeasterday.
Roger Ver's latest Bitcoin Cash news update is up. Discussing, , coinex, 100k tx on BCH, An offer to Expedia

Let us know in the comments you come from
"Don't be discouraged if what you produce initially is something other people dismiss ... In fact, that's a good sign. That's probably why everyone else has been overlooking the idea." - Paul Graham
2156d · Capitalism
I just want YOU to say it.
replied 2157d
I always make an appointment. The line could be a mile long and I am always in and out in 15 minutes.
replied 2157d
Can everyone check their addresses? I'd like to know just how many people have been effected here. Maybe one of the tx's will have a clue or something
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2158d
Just the knowledge of Bitcoin Cash is worth a ton of money. Earn fiat, convert to BCH, spend, replace with more. In 5 years you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with.
2158d · Capitalism
Hey guess what guys, I just came up with a great business plan: we make relevant products for relevant customers to satisfy their relevant needs. Genius!
I edited an image to include this slogan. I think it fits like a glove. What do you all think?

2159d · Capitalism
When someone asks you what you do for a living and you say "I am a human being, lololol" that generally means you are either (a) employed by the government or (b) a bum (but I repeat myself)
back to food, here a special pizza, maybe many of you never seen it before. It's a star pizza and inside each star ending there's a fresh ricotta cheese that melts in your mouth.
replied 2160d
Nightmares are also dreams.