
Joined Jun 24, 2019


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replied 2087d
probably higher in some cases you are correct and im by no means advocating university unless you want to be a true professional ..dr, lawyer engineer etc
replied 2087d
replied 2087d
There is more disinformation on the internet then anywhere. (8% of the information is misinformation or dis. The internet at this stage is a mental disease. the scams are getting deeper and like BitCoin hijacked by frauds and criminals.
replied 2087d
I think maximalists will purposefully limit their transactions to trick people to think BTC is not fundamentally broken. Then, once the dump market comes the TX fees will be insane.
replied 2087d
2088d · US Politics/Trump
See, Trump says, he is making economic sanctions on the "extreme leader of Iran"... but actually he is hurting the people, same how US is imposing economic sanctions against Venezuela for the past few years, and MSM report it as "Socialism failing". Sorry guys, but Trump is not your super hero, nor is Q, its all just games the Capitalist/Monarchy establishment is playing with you... us... its all the same shit.
replied 2088d
spot on Ed
2088d · Ed
I changed my mind about Wikileaks
Now, before you attack me, listen to the whole video. I am not saying I am against telling/publishing the truth or that journalists should be jailed for doing so, but now I understand that Wikileaks is not actually telling us the whole truth, the way Bitcoin system would, if we were to all use it, which explains why Wikileaks has attacked Craig Wright also, called him a fraud, effectively showing that they are not either for an adoption of a system which can expose all corruption, they have shown (to me anyway) that they are just controlled opposition also, same how Roger Ver and rest of the Bitcoin ABC traitors betrayed original Bitcoin system, and started attacking Craig Wright by calling him a fraud, and wanting to create a deliberate split again, in order to kick him out.

Bitcoin, the original system, is under attack from all sides, even from those who, on the first glance, seem to be the good guys.....
replied 2089d
This is 100% correct and why BTC and every other shitcoin is CENTRALISED, including that BCH an-cap shit
replied 2088d
Remove tether and crypto goes to near zero. Its very simple a ponzi and fraud. Soon to end.
replied 2088d
and check out gusd, its actually dropped 80% in mcap in past 6months...

Seems to be alot of institutional demand for those usdt, unaudtied stablecoins / s lol
replied 2088d
Its not BitCoin if the protocol is not set in stone (BSV working back to it).What you think doesn't matter. Only the protocol matters and your has zero chance at adoption or survival.
People on twitter are either talking to themselves (people who agree already) or bots/sock puppets. This goes for any topic or genre. The internet is mostly bots and paid shills. Most dont have the balls to ever offer their personal opinions because if you do you get attacked unless it follows the disinfo and mainstream narrative.

The MetaNet is the only way the internet survives long term. It is 98% disino and trolls currently.
The problem with millennial's is they have memes for brains. Everything is a joke and nothing is true.
All the trolls who post non stop retarded memes ad nausea are usually troll disinfo clowns. They all do the same thing. Shade truth and perpetuate non sense and BS to distract all while wasting time and energy. The whole internet is a ring of trolls and bots. WTF up!!!
Is there a way I can block seeing posts by BCH ers?
No matter what the MS media says people believe it, truth doesnt matter as they cant see it anyways. So yeah don't expect anything to change. Rigged corrupt system. Nicoli Tesla was killed and robbed. Whats new?
Just about every MS narrative is completely opposite truth and a rich mans trick. Capitalism included. Do we need 500 toothpaste brands? Capitalism is non sustainable societal suicide.
Mainstream social media is not only a disease its a psyop to obfuscate any and all truth online and to inflict social punishment on any who are awake or speak out against.
99.5% of humans are so brainwashed they not only have no clue but if they do they have NO balls or backbone. Pathetic.
replied 2088d
mainstream and not. Anything real they scoop up and twist. Knowledge and truth is POWER they cant compete with.
There is only one group who could spin a conspiracy this good Bilderbergs. Just look at the crypto news feed how they control stories and price masterfully. Low iq normies are instant sheered sheep.All media they own
2089d · Ed
BTC "Store of Value" label is just a fancy term for a Ponzi
2089d · Bitcoin SV
Crypto is owned and controlled By "The Bilderberg Group" since Blockstream. This space is literally a psyop. Once these NWO/OWO psychopaths control something good luck. Long battle ahead for us in BSV. Long haul.