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saved 1173d
How much money do we need? I will go get it so we can move on. Cc @1323
saved 1180d
Yea In 2016 I bought a modest 3 BR in NJ for $315k, way under what I could have bought. Now everything is up 30-50%. So whatever I gain here will be little compared to what I'm upsizing too. Makes ya wonder if i should put 5% down and overleveraged 😜
saved 1180d
Do you find a significant % of the books you like were written in the same time period? if so what was it? My stack is about 50% 1950's/60's at this point. It was a unique wave of sci-fi. Plus I love the beat generation and acid test stuff.
saved 1180d
A decentralized group can yield powerful results when incentivized.
saved 1180d
is this the twetch whitepaper?
saved 1180d
open to a phone call?
saved 1180d
feel like i backtracked reading all these self help/religious texts. I feel like I had shit more figure out + was kinder 5+ years ago.

Then again, life as a single 28 year old white man is easy AF

being positive under pressure as a leadr is another story
saved 1180d
people care more about learning what *this new thing* is than what *that old thing* is because minding emergence is natural
saved 1180d
saved 1180d
feels different than 2008 though. That was euphoria + bad loans. The last few years have felt like a systematic destruction of the middle class. Those who took loans and made leveraged trades/bets mostly made out like bandits.
saved 1180d
It's a very tough decision. We may be on the bring of hyperinflation, so if you can acquire real assets with low interest loans, it seems like a no brainer. The wealth divide may increase and only super rich can buy homes. Or of course, prices collapse....
saved 1180d
Calc 3, PDE's and linear algebra and I grok about 1/4 of this rn
saved 1180d
love you too bro. thanks for the energy + guidance
saved 1180d
saved 1180d
Am I shallow + vain cuz this makes me feel better? Maybe if it was a selfie? but if it's actual, honest connection with other souls, isn't that all there is?
saved 1180d
As you acquire more (love + assets) you get real paranoid about losing them. I was falling into the doomsday mindset last year. very hard not to right now. But it is a very difficult headspace to live in.
saved 1180d
But I know that's not true. I've always lived well within my means. I've always saved + invested to "get out of the trap". Or was I just saving to get a bigger house and be a wage slave? Even with a nice stack, are you ever safe/prepared?
saved 1180d
We're also listing our first house for sale. Looking for something bigger. Going for baby number 3. There's a temptation to overspend and get a house that I only dreamed of as a kid. Part of me feels like I'll have "made it" if I get that house.
saved 1180d
tell me what you are excited about
saved 1180d
I want to work with motivated, interesting people. that probably maters most at this point

but getting people paid for their work, storing information in a more permanent way, helping people find the right info, all seems valuable
saved 1180d
Damn I was finally in a twetch flow then ->
saved 1434d
playing rocket league for a couple hours if anyone wants to join

pygmygoose on PSN
pygmygoose#4558 on RL
saved 1461d
The internal noise is impersonal
It has nothing to do with you
You don't even create it
Don't resist the noise or indulge it
Don't identify with it
If you think it's important you won't let it go
saved 1462d
The @14 archives then markwilcox.com
saved 1466d
Look up at that Everest
Look down in that Mariana Trench
Look now as the crumbling 405 falls down
When the big one hits
Look out for the plainclothes
Look out for what the wiretap knows
Look out on the ever-widening money trail and where it goes