
Joined Nov 06, 2019

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replied 1622d
SPICE - a very interesting project I've been looking into - thanks for my first SPICE tokens Cryptogranpa.
replied 1622d
Cheers Cryptodog.
replied 1622d
That's a cool use case. Digital assets are the future and SLP will help realise this.
replied 1622d
Thanks for the sats Memo - Might pick your brains later for a new project on SLP.
replied 1622d
Been into crypto since 2017, seen some highs and lows lol. Love projects with a real use-case and have a few ideas for an SLP project.
replied 1622d
Thanks, Telesfor - still learning to navigate the platform but enjoying it so far.
replied 1622d
DUDE - loved the big Lebowski - Thanks for the DUDE tokens NonAlcoholicBeards.
replied 1622d
Wow - Thanks for the RKT Mrpumperitis.
Greetings Memo people!

New to Memo but I love the idea and happy to support the BCH community.

SLP tokens are a great functionality of BCH chain.