i submitted my scale.cash tx bang on 12.00 and it's still waiting for first confirmation of fanout tx... I can't be the only one. Hopefully there's another huge block after this one.
just arrived on the scene
paper wallets
make it easy to introduce people to #bitcoincash.
the site is self explanatory
to give or receive tips :)
Nice one ! I can help you to translate it to French
I just added all Tokyo & Osaka merchants to: https://map.therealbitcoin.club/ We now have 4 places in the world where you can make bitcoin vacations! Barcelona, Benidorm, Tokyo & Osaka! Use bitcoin, inspire the world!
Now its getting interesting and intrestinger. What's stopping a private company let's call it Bragstreak from voting for its own hardfork by renting hashpower? I admit I didn't see THAT coming
BCore is stealing the brand name. It softforked in a way which changes its function while not even being backward compatible since it didn't upgrade almost any of the onchain tps so it's a fake Bitcoin.
Can you explain how private messages would work in 184 characters? To me it seems counter intuitive to a public blockchain. Just curious. :)
Keyport is doing that. 184 caracters is not a problem, you just have to send the message in multiples transactions, and encrypt it with the public address of the receiver
I mean we should pressure the developers and major voices(Roger, Jihan etc.) to transition all their conversation HERE. There's so many reasons that it would be better. Accountability!
Which side do you support with the coming November Hard Fork?
Bitcoin ABC plans canonical transaction ordering, activation for OP_CHECKDATASIG and OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY.
nChain plans block size to 128MB.
Bitcoin ABC with Amaury Sechet
I welcome small changes and innovations in the protocol to improve efficiency, as long as they maintain the original vision.