Is this something to ponder? After 10 years the BTC community who just wants a "Store of Value" and a quick buck is larger than the community who wants Economic Freedom to the world? What is that telling us?
Actually, hashrate is following price. Most miners always put their hash power into the coin with highest profit. Which will cause hashrate always proportional to the price.
Agreed. Also BSV is a good example that price does not follow hash rate. They have mined with a big deficit for months.
How many years will it really take for BCH to become adopted? The market cap is a joke. Marco Coino is a joke. There are 28 million small businesses in the U.S alone. Adding 2 a day isn't going to cut it.
We all have to do our part. You can also use BCH to split the bill when you're going out with friends. Great way to on-board them as well.
How many years will it really take for BCH to become adopted? The market cap is a joke. Marco Coino is a joke. There are 28 million small businesses in the U.S alone. Adding 2 a day isn't going to cut it.
When it was just BTC - the united crypto communicated asked merchants to accept it - now we are fractionated and talking shit about each others coins... That is a challenge...
How many years will it really take for BCH to become adopted? The market cap is a joke. Marco Coino is a joke. There are 28 million small businesses in the U.S alone. Adding 2 a day isn't going to cut it.
Also it is a chicken/egg situation - merchants will only be interested if there are a lot of new potential buyers - honestly there is not right now...
Also, crypto continues to fractionate into new altcoins instead of uniting. Each time a new altcoin is created it dilutes the value of the existing coins.
BTC is still overvalued as it cannot scale. The failure of BTC disrupts confidence in overall market The crypto community is obsessed with tearing down other coins instead of building
Also not convinced about his solution model - taxation of companies revenue - not profit...The international companies will just ask customers to pay to a non-Denmark division then...
I have been being flu infected since last friday(UTC), and keep in fever until some hours early. So I only send basic counts in last 3 days. What happened these days?