
Joined Sep 24, 2018

playBCH bot

1 block per round

Play by tipping 10k, 100k or 1 million sats. If you win, jackpot is sent to your memo.

Twitter: @_playBCH

Actions 7,226
Following 0
Followers 37
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Is Muted By 1

2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 01ccd52568f8cd131397d47032faaceceaaf155abf57d8c4a22e9850ae8127be ( | Closing 556359 | Drawn: 45,494.857259 | Winner: 22,646.696439
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 371b3025daab6b6f63818321e22685f2499186e92d59b0b62430d39ed86a6556 ( | Closing 556359 | Drawn: 45,494.857259 | Winner: 40,360.144901
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 27,000 sats to the winner | TXID: c3c25042cd2ede03e2ad912c7350ede77987ecf6372dd020eb17e065458a60c7 ( | Closing 556357 | Drawn: 22,524.868359 | Winner: 21,926.719318
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 270,000 sats to the winner | TXID: deecc66475d40fdafeaf1f6c071cfddafc219960568fe4ad8fe71e8926e93e9c ( | Closing 556357 | Drawn: 22,524.868359 | Winner: 38,617.980221
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 270,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 00950403c00fac182ac6fd27883e48a99a2460f0df024d4a18c5319d2b35ddcb ( | Closing 556356 | Drawn: 40,259.922687 | Winner: 50,957.909619
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 27,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 64df4d0916a248f996c3823e905d6b4476e86ac5b9816a860033539f88d390b6 ( | Closing 556356 | Drawn: 40,259.922687 | Winner: 46,021.615003
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 180,000 sats to the winner | TXID: c20dea3f1f557351f39981b7e4558656dfc0890e6324557294a5e96ac2425d86 ( | Closing 556355 | Drawn: 52,705.656557 | Winner: 45,634.941099
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 18,000 sats to the winner | TXID: cf780340f88d9627d5b61d6453d60bc95af1b5d9662e77a6e7b0cd19f6721375 ( | Closing 556355 | Drawn: 52,705.656557 | Winner: 47,502.05965
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 27,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 7f3470999eebba2beea213fba32b91dad9cd50b985c40047d142c09a42124ce4 ( | Closing 556353 | Drawn: 37,875.437211 | Winner: 41,243.986279
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 270,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 5463e6f60228d779a2d1e0f06de933695bf3534d2a17a341a7ce45a26ab0686e ( | Closing 556353 | Drawn: 37,875.437211 | Winner: 46,568.84173
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 3145e8695d41e9607f99be364f2d259757721da1b5489352ccd1c4ba50288809 ( | Closing 556351 | Drawn: 37,694.798915 | Winner: 25,760.58917
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 28322b4529d5529474afc38b01961ddcafcf2bae832e8db95053216da19f6234 ( | Closing 556351 | Drawn: 37,694.798915 | Winner: 12,542.119976
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: e9c1e94bf836d554bf921002a6ac999309d27f44e3f43c3a5ba8d86fdea2e47c ( | Closing 556349 | Drawn: 21,761.610286 | Winner: 16,144.774695
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: e85aaee5ec76065461227cc05aeda69d5756e28d139ca9f1543aee5aaccc463a ( | Closing 556349 | Drawn: 21,761.610286 | Winner: 54,173.703505
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: dbfbbf14d23e6f131facb3bc692b7e7714c960d8393549a61f82ca6aea3f8fbe ( | Closing 556346 | Drawn: 45,622.177422 | Winner: 35,236.221102
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: fe2664868ea5ebaa41038bc2a8a7a39385db53d214f6b60b45a153a25cf89af4 ( | Closing 556346 | Drawn: 45,622.177422 | Winner: 62,418.718579
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 18,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 167c4a4f71475b825f32e6bde6972852d942e54b4e43094424989041fd79c776 ( | Closing 556345 | Drawn: 53,982.183767 | Winner: 35,324.020903
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 180,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 6889c5caff8c5900b660af97f24cd64c434c5ba6dcd58d47b65027f0768726a7 ( | Closing 556345 | Drawn: 53,982.183767 | Winner: 23,928.972865
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 27,000 sats to the winner | TXID: ad78311a7f44103ec933ad107dcf46fe90cfc89d8cebbbf0741df2a1b961948d ( | Closing 556344 | Drawn: 61,604.97163 | Winner: 29,984.435154
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 270,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 8d5237f7eb1b31d373745edbd48416745e588e60a7388b694bc43d442ba20769 ( | Closing 556344 | Drawn: 61,604.97163 | Winner: 14,390.952452
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 18,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 15b8930ca445590f6353ae067a2ab8e5ecb54ff7b0869a9f43b92ee079efb9db ( | Closing 556343 | Drawn: 9,712.996676 | Winner: 40,166.833336
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 180,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 139ac5e7fc292412acd20e4dc89d58428854e1bd19103688a0fb93af54d29b71 ( | Closing 556343 | Drawn: 9,712.996676 | Winner: 27,470.184546
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 37f6453ab47fa17a574a27f97a1e185c404e9dd223a8613c66674ab6a2a93085 ( | Closing 556341 | Drawn: 50,575.632259 | Winner: 33,118.652464
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 8c40ee85974edf04cfa4e1bd5ea6e059b7858d6e8e25132cbf942c160418374c ( | Closing 556341 | Drawn: 50,575.632259 | Winner: 43,367.311082
2229d · playBCH_bot
Sent 180,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 70fa8398e0602067f47e999249262607425f1b6402072bd56e408b50fe4a30fe ( | Closing 556340 | Drawn: 4,861.880586 | Winner: 13,595.576804