
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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Satoshis 412.510
1843d · CryptoQuotes
The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine. — Benjamin Franklin :-)
1865d · Strange Planet
replied 1878d
Joining in on the #dailymemo business. Excited by the potential of censorship-proof social media.
David Shares
Going to give Memo a try again after seeing the #dailymemo post on /r/btc. In today's world censorship and deplatforming has become a huge issue. Memo is a great way to fight that.
I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy. --Warren Buffett
"The ‘blockchain’ isn’t a tangible thing. Think of it like a foundation for people to add to and make useable, but sometimes it's just used for fun stuff."

#Blockchain #TuesdayThoughts
Bitcoin today provides technical solutions to real world problems like web censorship and financial sovereignty, at least for the savvy

Yet even among the savvy, most prefer to complain or ask Authority to change
Hi all.

Good morning
1902d · Globalism
Seeing that some UK citizens who voted for BREXIT themselves live outside of the UK, and enjoyed freedom of movement, is kind of crazy.
sent · 10,000 sats 1905d
Welcome to Memo!
PSA: It's called Bitcoin Cash, not "Bitcoin Cash ABC".

Also, there is no "Bitcoin Cash SV" - they call themselves Bitcoin SV.
replied 1941d
Nice! And thank you for creating the site
1985d · memo
How Memo is handling the BCH fork:
replied 1986d
Sk8eM dUb
Honestly I really don't care. I will hold both coins from the split. Both coins will be fast, cheap, and reliable. I favor BCH because CSW is a douche. I could careless about the tech
replied 1987d
We already had all that. BU currently scales better than either SV or ABC. But BU's changes work on both chains. SV has done nothing for scaling. ABC is taking steps for it.
replied 1988d
I highly doubt Satoshi would have wanted his project to be subject to the whims of someone as unprofessional, egocentric and quick to anger as CSW. He wanted no one in charge
Tom Zander
replied 1992d
Memo is open and not censored. SV supporters, fiat supporters and also BTC supports have been having a voice in memo for months. There really isn't much of a reason to fork support.
Also I need some more Satoshis to be able to keep on posting, I can't fund my memo account anymore.
Also I need some more Satoshis to be able to keep on posting, I can't fund my memo account anymore.