Keith Patrick

Joined Jun 20, 2019

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1813d · memo
Memo now supports tipping posts with tokens!
set profile pic 1813d
replied 1816d
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

replied 1834d
Thanks. I have sent you 1 taco coin in return. Pumped up to top 2 now currently 3rd.
replied 1834d
and move into the mountains.
replied 1834d
Sounds good to me. I will refrain from selling taco coin at the inflated price of 2 BCH per coin. Thanks for the updated market cap page!
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1834d

replied 1834d
I'll be your beta tester. Let's go taco coin!
set name to Keith Patrick 1839d