Jeffrey Lebowski

Joined Apr 26, 2018

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.

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replied 1822d
with new approach to blockchain could also have value in the future but it's too early to tell if they'll develop to anything (that's why it's called speculation).
replied 1822d
I see a future for ETH. None of the actual tokens are required for what they do but some tokens like BAT could have real demand and still be around for years. Coins like NANO and ZIL
Which non-Bitcoin coins do you support or highly esteem?
replied 1823d
the 1G blocks don't mean a thing since the whole point of crypto is to be Byzantine fault tolerant, not just pass blocks around fast."
"What's the point in a blockchain which is mined by a single central authority? Bsv may be superficially a crypto but it's not a crypto at all in practice. Even if the testnet nodes were in remote parts of the world
replied 1826d
Aren't we a bit rushing?
"Why Are Cryptographers Being Denied Entry into the US?"
At least 4 well known cryptographers have been denied entry to US recently. Will anti-crypto policies trickle down & affect cryptocurrencies?
replied 1828d
Core's goal isn't to make money but to stop p2p cash. The team may be doing a killing while at it, but that has nothing to do with what their job requires them to do.
replied 1828d
would be good things for BTC. If I am right, the deception that BTC has a large base of real human's who agree with Core policies is still in place and is believed by most people.
replied 1828d
Of course that is true for BCH supporters, but, I even believe most of the real humans that own, mine and develop BTC agree lower fees, 2MB blocks and being able to buy coffee with BTC
replied 1828d
LN is not intended to fix scaling for the people of the world
The real community never wanted high fees small blocks and the loss of BTC's primary use case. They still do not want that
replied 1828d
the ticker (brand) and adoption we had spent years building.
Later we found out the loss of the primary use case of Core's BTC (p2p cash for the world) was intentional and permanent.
replied 1828d
LN to provide scaling (for the primary use case of Bitcoin - p2p cash for the world). The real BTC community fell for the lie, believed they were a minority and gave up the fight for
How s2x fail if it had 95% signaling?
An army of liars pretended they were the BTC community throughout social media. They claimed the community supported high fees, small blocks and a short delay until the arrival of
followed 1828d
BCH may have labor pains but at least it doesn't try to cripple itself like BTC does.
replied 1829d
Other social media doesn't have tips.