Jeffrey Lebowski

Joined Apr 26, 2018

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.

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replied 2272d
Its funny thatsome are against increasing the blocksize due to a required upgrade. Yet when they fixed a bug with such an update hey didnt think to include a blocksize increase.
2273d · Capitalism
2279d · Educational
Some things to remember in all the many political discussions on here:
I have been gone for weeks waiting for everyone to start talking about something other than the ABC vs SV bullshit and here I am surprised but not surprised to see that is still the only discussion happening :( common
2280d · Bitcoin Cash
Well good luck. Not sure if the Coingeek pump and dump is going to help things.
2281d · Bitcoin Cash
AnCaps had nearly a decade to make Bitcoin Sound Money, it's our turn to try.
2281d · Bitcoin Cash
Defending Bitcoin from changes is what Core is doing. It is why BCH forked off.
I am Jihan. Hello Memo!
replied 2282d
Hmm... Artificially pumping SV prices and a recent lawsuit against Roger Ver & Jihan.

This is a war of "who can throw the most money around" (lawsuits & pumping SV price both cost $).
replied 2282d
replied 2283d
Just so we are clear, r/bitcoin trolls are raiding r/btc to spread their usual FUD, but the community there is used to it and you can still have meaningful, uncensored, discussions
replied 2289d
I'm willing to bet that BCH will have larger sustained blocks before BSV. As soon as Graphene is fully activated in BU and ported to ABCs XThinner, it will be an indisbutable reality.
replied 2292d
It's not. BCH is Bitcoin. Now go celebrate SV with their replay protection.
replied 2292d
Why are you even here? You have nothing better to do with your time then to parrot “bcash”? Get a life. Your pathetic
replied 2295d
Lock the protocol have no chance to win, even BTC core is seeking ways to upgrade, they choose Segwit, BCH choose big block, SV choose to lock itself.
replied 2295d
Just curiious. "When have investors flocked to "Because it is the closest to Satoshi Vision"? It's about Cheap, fast, and reliable and adoption. I think Faketoshi is going bye bye.