It's quite likely the next big event in "Blockstream's Vision" will be a major catastrophic bug in BTC which will make the market crash to the ground. Thatll be the best explanation for everything that happened so far
Its funny thatsome are against increasing the blocksize due to a required upgrade. Yet when they fixed a bug with such an update hey didnt think to include a blocksize increase.
I have been gone for weeks waiting for everyone to start talking about something other than the ABC vs SV bullshit and here I am surprised but not surprised to see that is still the only discussion happening :( common
I called that a right on the start. He most probably made a sweet deal with teh gubment meanwhiles for full participation in "Operation Breaking Bitcoin Cash".
Just so we are clear, r/bitcoin trolls are raiding r/btc to spread their usual FUD, but the community there is used to it and you can still have meaningful, uncensored, discussions
The main difference is that ABC will be ETH 2.0 and BSV will be capable of 1 TB blocks in the near future. Also ABC gets driven by people out for profit instead of creating a world currency
I'm willing to bet that BCH will have larger sustained blocks before BSV. As soon as Graphene is fully activated in BU and ported to ABCs XThinner, it will be an indisbutable reality.
BSV will thrive. It is the closest to the original Satoshi vision. It was created to defend against contentious protocol changes that will prevent massive adoption.
Lock the protocol have no chance to win, even BTC core is seeking ways to upgrade, they choose Segwit, BCH choose big block, SV choose to lock itself.
BSV will thrive. It is the closest to the original Satoshi vision. It was created to defend against contentious protocol changes that will prevent massive adoption.
Just curiious. "When have investors flocked to "Because it is the closest to Satoshi Vision"? It's about Cheap, fast, and reliable and adoption. I think Faketoshi is going bye bye.