Only reason the crypto market hasn't imploded yet is because Bitfinex keeps gradually reducing Tether's circulating supply - from 2.8 billion on 10/8 down to 2 billion today, 10/19
You don't need to solve bottlenecks to increase the cap. Miners will use the software as they see fit, and the released client doesn't need to be optimized to match the cap.
Focusing time and energy on anything but the bottleneck is exactly how many people waste their lifetime. Focusing on minor issues ignoring the real threats to their existence.
Is there going to be a chain split? If yes, could you explain why you think so or point towards a reference? Thanks 🤙🏼
I dont think so. No one in the space wants a split as it would be devastating for encouraging adoption. we dont want to explain to merchants/new ppl what BSV or BABC is
"Choking BTC to fully rely on an experimental technology [LN] seems crazy to me. Seems like they wanted to give banks some time to implement instant pay before bitcoin would overrun everything."
Turns out a #BitcoinCash developer saved #Bitcoin from one of its worst and most dangerous bugs ever. Let this be the end of the arrogance and hubris of the Cor
You don't need to solve bottlenecks to increase the cap. Miners will use the software as they see fit, and the released client doesn't need to be optimized to match the cap.
Focusing time and energy on anything but the bottleneck is exactly how many people waste their lifetime. Focusing on minor issues ignoring the real threats to their existence.
Based on the stress test, we need Graphene and UDP fastlane. The end.
What I got from the stresstest was that the only bottleneck was the accept-to-mempool limit. Graphene can be done in private so this is fine too (not a protocol change).
Yup. Used to live on reddit. Now I spend most of my time here, with reddit thrown in here and there.
Same here. As soon as I got started with memo, my Reddit usage went way down and memo usage went way up :D stupid is as stupid does :P It’s so much better here!!!
Agree. Though I think Moneybutton would be better if it could display a QR code as a fallback. It's burdensome to have an extra seed to store just to use MoneyButton.
"Bcash" The new
Can't we have some originality around here?
Bitcoin Cash is the only way to handle the new internet. Zero censorship, zero servers zero domains. Bittube, etc don't have these features, and rely on hosting partners.
Check out my new Bitcoin Cash merchant directory at It's still in beta, I'll be spending the next week populating with merchants. If anyone wants to help, feel free to sign up and go to town!