Jeffrey Lebowski

Joined Apr 26, 2018

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.

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2340d ·
So we did it? BCH have a backlog? 😎
2340d ·
average fee is a bad metric, i like median, not affected by outliers
replied 2341d
That movie is just so great, 90% or so of people in crypto are like these fools, I think there are more smarter people that are not in crypto then how many are in crypto, % wise.
replied 2343d
I am glad, that I finally found an alternative to reddit. Just like I found an alternative to Google and hopefully soon to youtube. No FB, no twitter, no instagram. Never looking back.
2344d · Bitcoin Cash
SFCDEVS Presents: A Smart Contract Engine For Bitcoin by Clemens Ley
replied 2344d
There is no "the software". Software development is a competitive part of the POW mining process. The original Satoshi client architecture was not designed to be competitive.
replied 2345d
Chris Pacia is the double agent who pushed this nonsense cashaddress. Today once again we had issues paying in a shop because cashaddress makes the whole system more incompatible.
replied 2345d
Burn addresses are MAGIC! LOL!
2346d · Bitcoin Cash
I don't know if it is because he is a conman, but I actually expected Craig to be smarter than this. Copy-pasting somebody's (public) code to prove he is C/C++ teacher. What a moron.
The BCH community is certainly experimenting with anarchy. Can't say it feels like a very comforting system at the moment. Anxious to see how this plays out in November... Feels a lot like it did in 2015.
replied 2346d
Welcome to Memo :) Don't forget to back up your private key and don't share it with anybody.
replied 2346d
Ubuntu user here. I took the plunge within the last two years, and I have to say my productivity has gone through the roof!
2345d · Shit Talk
Samson mow is a faggot. Everybody knows that
[email protected]
2345d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
I'm willing to give CSW a shot, but so far Bitcoin SV code isn't released yet. I'm very skeptical on that can deliver a well-tested client by fork date in Nov, 2018.
replied 2345d
Yes 4th in market cap and has only been out a year. You can tell by the meetups growth and the additions to Marco coino that BCH is growing substantially. Give BCH 3 years like Dash.
2345d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Goring, Hitler's #2 had an IQ of 138, certified genius. I isn't everything.
voted in poll 2345d

With how many chains BCH will end in November?

2 (Bitcoin SV, Bitcoin ABC)

The big institutions are breaking it's a part splitting groups just like core and cash I'm expecting way more
Tom Zander
Scaling by making bigger blocks is my preferred way to scale #BitcoinCash

Just wildly going to larger block sizes, however, doesn't make sense. I wrote a post about this;
The current status of r/btc
My memo tape art at Berlin Gallery
There are over 3500 profiles created on memo. Where is everyone !?!?! It irks me that i can still follow the new category of posts...
Sk8eM dUb
2346d · #911Truth
Here's a fun one. Mythbusters couldn't melt steel with thermite but this guy did it in his backyard
replied 2346d
I am already promoting memo on Xotika.TV
2346d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
keep the personal attacks coming - they add to the daily BCH transaction count!