"So many trolls in social media right now. I guess it's time to stack up on BCH.☝️ You can't stop an idea whose time has come. The enemies of Bitcoin are afraid, very afraid."
"I know (but lack evidence) that Tether is being used by TPTB to control the price of crypto. If they decide to crash the market, the markets will crash. Meaning BTC price under 1000, BCH under 100."
MerchantFees: A tool to calculate how high fees affect large-volume merchants and how much they could gain/lose by adopting BCH/BTC vs FIAT (Hint: BCH is cheapest) https://stats.bch.sx/
"One thing to note is that LN is not required to run only on top of BTC. It can also run on top of other coins and in fact many other coins would be able to support Lightning Network much better than BTC can."
"One of the very first responses Satoshi got on the maillist was from James Donald, who explained to Satoshi that his design meant that everyone would have to run a node. Satoshi explained to him the basics of SPV,
"The biggest lie they sold was the lie that you had to choose between "digital gold" and "digital cash." That you had to choose between "store of value" and "medium of exchange." whynotboth.gif The promise of Bitcoin
"Anyone who thinks crypto will take the establishment without a huge fight is fooling themselves. The establishment doesn't want their rigged Ponzi game disrupted, and immutable records where you can't fudge for
McCormack: when the white paper was written, there was no 2nd layer, there was no LN and there was no 1mb blocksize cap. So to accuse Rizun of dishonesty (propaganda) when calling large blocks and
"Non-custodial will eventually win out, because it just makes sense. Why would you trust some giant financial entity when you could just trust yourself? People 100 years ago kept money in their mattresses and holes in
"What fucking idiot is selling all their concert tickets on the lightning network? I mean we have perfectly good systems for debit and credit cards already available for that.
"Compared to Lightning, BCH has much stronger uptake. Lighting has only 8000 nodes and 38,000 channels. The average channel capacity is $140 and there is only $5M in total liquidity.