HiFrom_Laura 🌶

Joined Apr 26, 2018

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replied 1894d
You are my friend and I miss you when you are not around
replied 2055d
And #Spice too!!!
replied 2055d
Ha did you get scammed and buy the imposter token?
PSA Spice is now available for trading on Altilly, Coinex, Cryptophyl and of course her on Memo. Remember one thing #Spicemustflow to be successful.
I believe there is no other community like BCH, so I just joined a bunch of cryptocurrency subreddits to test my hypothesis. Let's see what I discover. #dailymemo
2060d · Tokens
If you need to get rid of fake tokens, one option is to send them to the bitcoin eater address - https://memo.cash/profile/1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE
2060d · Tokens
The page for viewing all tokens for sale has been removed. If you want to see which tokens are for sale look at the individual token you want to buy. This also allows you to see the cheapest offer
replied 2060d
Stupid scammers ruin the fun for everyone. I sent Bitcoin Cash Activist 500 spice to make up for the scammer
2060d · Tokens
If you need to get rid of fake tokens, one option is to send them to the bitcoin eater address - https://memo.cash/profile/1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE
There has been fake Spice tokens showing up on Memo.cash! To be clear the real Spice has a trx ID that begins with 4de69. Don’t know about this please conduct your trades here. No KYC https://cryptophyl.com/?r=queen
replied 2066d
And let's not forget August 8th coming to Coinex.
replied 2073d
Did your short bus break down on the way to school?
replied 2073d
Shut the fuck up retard.
replied 2073d
Well the fact you created a token and smearing the name of good BCH people and didn’t cover your tracks does imply you are mentally slow and damaged! RETARD DETECTED!!!
replied 2083d
I gave him the option of Bitpay or Bitcoin Cash Register and he chose the later.
I signed up a new merchant for #BCH today 🤗 he gains economic freedom for his business.