HiFrom_Laura 🌶

Joined Apr 26, 2018

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From @Ngawang
Oh let me try this again
I’m just uploading random stuff through Imgur trying to figure out why the pictures won’t show.
replied 2305d
Why aren’t the pictures coming up??? @memo
I’m posting this for @Ngawang https://imgur.com/a/ZiFI0K4 its so pretty there
replied 2307d
What is seeding!
replied 2308d
Good morning to the sun city https://imgur.com/a/oDdEgCU
replied 2309d
I suggest this! Ngawang is very knowledgeable about his countries culture, Bhuddist religion, temples and politics. You should see it now before it becomes Chinatized.
Hello Ngawang!! from the USA!!!
replied 2310d
The main one was Two Oceans I believe. Because it was the house wine
replied 2310d
Lol I’m glad to be back. Did you k ow that almost everything in the country of Bhutan comes from Australia? I thought about you every time I ordered a glass of wine.
replied 2310d
Stresstest tomorrow 😱 I’m not prepared. However, I did just get back from a very long vacation with tons of new pictures 🤗
replied 2310d
Your eyes are already open I just showed you a new path. 🤗 I’m so happy you are here!
replied 2310d
Lol my stepmom was on oxygen for 2 days straight
replied 2310d
Sk8eM dUb
I’m sure there are good ones out there, just like in all cultures.
replied 2311d
That sounds lovely
replied 2311d
I have done everything and they will not pop! Yep at vitamin C.
I have a cold so all this flying is killing my ears. And I look like hell. I have completely wiped of all traces of any makeup.
replied 2311d
Yes the Koreans are adorable!
replied 2311d
The people are the officials. 😂 but really they push and shove and don’t say excuse me they spit on the streets. And I believe I was a victim of racism today 😱
replied 2311d
Even though Tibet is considered part of China. They have a totally different set of laws for the Tibetan people. It is very sad
replied 2311d
Sk8eM dUb
If it wasn’t for our guide we would probably still be there and in jail. I’m in Korea now so I can say the Chinese are so fucking rude!
replied 2311d
Lol yes I have been violated many times on this trip.
I HATE China!!!!
replied 2312d
Tibet is a communist country. I will explain more when I get home. I leave for the states tonight.