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saved 1175d
Dollars are programmed to go down, seems impossible for this not to happen... the only question is what will BTC and ETH be worth at that time
saved 1176d
I’m looking forward to using it!
saved 1176d
No that was over a year ago. I watch that repo closely. And none of those changes give the L1 context needed. Are you sure you know what you’re saying or are you repeating a certain unreliable someone’s position on this?
saved 1184d
Yeah that’s the plan that has been outlined
saved 1191d
I’m partially a retarded monkey. Unbelievable
saved 1193d
He reused a signature, but implied he was signing something else, but it’s actually a 4d chess headfake because he never claimed to be signing the new message digest. I do get it. You’re mad because I said what he wants people to say, essentially
saved 1193d
You’re right it’s actually still up:
Theories? I think it’s 4d chess
saved 1194d
We’re all compromised in our own special way. But yeah
saved 1194d
The key to making money on twetch is to say something controversial but not too controversial
saved 1194d
Etherdelta is interesting because the frontend was bought out by bad actors who made it more custodial. OG etherdelta was fine. This was before people learned how to use ipfs to back up frontends / etherscan for raw transactions
saved 1194d
Craig Wright is Satoshi in the same way that Joe Biden is the president
saved 1195d
BSV people just have a different definition of “L1”, and also hilariously a different definition of “on”. Best of luck, Run is a great tool.
saved 1195d
It means two distinct jigs can be called and then state rolled back on both without either jig having to support it explicitly / a priori. Reflect on the fact that you said “what do you mean” and “of course we can do it” in the same twetch.
saved 1195d
Option 1, do hard r&d to make overlay that scales as well as BSV while having the crucial properties of ETH L1 w.r.t. composability and state and such.
Option 2:

saved 1195d
The eternal they
saved 1195d
When @852 token with questionable tokenomics. Or with actual fee split share I guess, will begrudgingly accept that too
saved 1196d
Gotcha, so basically it would be to entice people into saying “this is proof he’s not Satoshi” when in fact it’s not proof of anything either way. So a form of 4d chess, I suppose
saved 1196d
My mistake! Though I could have sworn it was missing for some time. Makes it even stranger that nobody has a theory why it happened!
saved 1196d
RIP Gareth Williams
Stole fire from the gods
We know what happened
Hello analyst :^]
saved 1196d
Craig “signed” with a Satoshi key but then people realized he just pulled a sighash from a known satoshi transaction from 2009. Then the blog post was deleted. Here’s the archive:
saved 1196d
A lot of people care, there was public debate about it for years. People chose “censorship resistance” over L1 scalability. You can argue about whether it’s truly “the people’s choice” but to say nobody cares is mischaracterization imo
saved 1196d
Because all the smartest people want to work on the architecture that isn’t trivial parallel (EVM), because it has much more valuable properties like atomic composition / global state. They’ll figure out how to retrofit parallel validation eventually...
saved 1196d
inb4 creg said inb4 you don’t get it
Creg said “make an overlay network if you want crap like that”. They all really like the idea that it’s just a message bus interpreted by a listening server. Composability is scary, who would be liable??
saved 1196d
Not something that’s easy to answer in 256 characters, but just try making a name registry that doesn’t use off-chain indexers or oracles for on-chain spend to names. BSV folks will show you oracle based solutions and think they’re doing what ETH is doing.
saved 1197d