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saved 782d
probably the greatest description of our current state of affairs online.

Open mind required.

saved 803d
He is risen!

Happy Easter everyone.
saved 879d
liar.com is owned by Elon Musk.
saved 901d
Noob "How do you buy BSV you are talking about?"

Me "Download Handcash and follow instuctions"

Noob "Full KYC?? No thanks"
saved 903d
saved 907d
saved 908d
Best ad for a podcast I've ever seen
saved 922d
this might be of interest even if its not Covid or Vax related.

Neil compares today to the years following the invention of the printing press when idea that lead to witchhunts we easier to circulate
saved 923d
I think the genocide could come from those who were cast as lepers if they ever take power and want revenge.
saved 984d
saved 985d
we saw Catholicism as what distinguished us from Britain post independence. We hung on to our beliefs longer than most but now there is a very VERY strong anti Catholic sentiment everywhere in the culture.
saved 985d
This was the Member of British Parliament who was murdered in a terrorist attack on Friday by a jihadi.

I have never heard of any restriction in Ireland.
saved 985d

What happens if you dont receive last rites? Does it make a difference? Surprised the police in Britain aren't used to it
saved 1126d
The reason for the covid madness is because of this guy winning the Nobel Prize in economics #Nudge
saved 1130d
deleting twetch for obvious reasons. Bye all
saved 1139d
agree. We tried to insert the state into the family as a replacement for the father in the form of welfare. Its been a disaster. Murders here in Ireland are off the charts the last two decades and its concentrated in areas where single mothers are housed.
saved 1140d
Henry Ford is what we need. $5 a day wage. Everyone said he would go bust. He ended up building an empire. Labour is under rewarded (mostly because of policy)
saved 1142d
I think the rise of ransomware and whats going on in the US with oil and gas is one of the most bullish things for BSV because Craig has already articulated the solution.

Court orders against miners.

This will kill the BTC meme.
saved 1146d
wait til he starts making his own. We are all his flock. 😁
saved 1146d
Im looking forward to it. I have a lot to learn having neglected it for so long.
saved 1146d
Have you ever thought of doing a podcast or a show on streamanity? I'd pay to be enlightened. I have approached a few priests locally and they seem really defeatest. Diarmuid Martin is my neighbour in Dublin and even he is failing Catholics here.
saved 1146d
But when I say not popular I never hear anyone make a coherent arguement against them. They just tell me Im wrong.
saved 1146d
I watched this last night. It touches lots of nerves but I agree

When I try to form an opinion I usually embrace the character that would hold that opinion and see how it plays out in the real world. I have tried several of these and theyre not popular
saved 1146d
I mean do you think Jews are the original chain or are they the hard fork away from Catholicism? sorry for being cryptic 😁.
saved 1147d
are we the BSV to their BTC? Or is it the other way around?