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saved 1190d
Fuck yah and now my wallet hit my lucky # $.88 much thanks many wow señor
saved 1190d
Good idea if they combine their war chests then might actually be able to release a complete product.
saved 1190d
Happy to take that $1.14 off your hands 🙌🏼
saved 1190d
Absolutely agreed. If we forfeit the right to decide what happens to our bodies then what else is left?
saved 1190d
Agreed. Perps will hide in plain sight if they can.
saved 1190d
Yes I was imagining auto populated hashtags. But then what if an “advertiser” was able to pay more to overcome your filter.
saved 1190d
Ok how about just use hashtags and then the platform enables hashtag filtering. Don’t wanna see #giveaways? No problem
saved 1190d
Ah I see…in response- black regularly mocked/criticized especially amongst their own, Muslim often portrayed as tending to extremism etc, trans ppl outside the narrative ignored/ridiculed ala Caitlyn Jenner. Lesbos def off limits tho. U’re missing one tho.
saved 1190d
If you want to know who your oppressor is there is a simple test. It goes like this. Who are you not allowed to criticize publicly? Since all public forms of media bash on whites all the time, couldn't be them. hmm. Take a guess.
saved 1190d
Oh see you are confused. The super elites have actually taught you that Communism works. Because it puts all the means of production and finance in their hands. full stop.
saved 1190d
the super elites take particular pleasure in convincing the general public to fear and hate that which could give them the greatest power. That way less competition for super elites, while they mock the GP. Super Elites are all colors.
saved 1190d
Ok so if the "state" is white, then why do corporations, mainstream media, and liberal educators constantly reinforce hatred against whites.
saved 1190d
saved 1190d
Yes I've heard about these real statistics before. But since the Zionists hate white people all we hear about is white crime.
saved 1190d
Wen @15284 implement tokens and DEX? Save us from @18754 blackouts.
saved 1190d
There's plenty of folks on Twetch who will pay you to take certain actions such as like, branch, etc.
saved 1190d
if by white you mean semitic then yes.
saved 1190d
saved 1190d
dope I actually just saw the release of it this morning. Gotta take a deep dive on it.
saved 1190d
In fact, the entire universe requires constant feeding! The most abundant producers that feed creation get the longest lives and constant support. Negative yield producers shorten their lives and attract toxic company.
saved 1190d
Yo id be so down for testing and sharing quality feedback.
saved 1190d
Seems to me there are two kinds of BSVers- Hodlers & Users. Twetch is for Users. Twitter for Hodlers.
saved 1190d
@18754 needs to work on their stability and reliability. Cuz I love the idea of the Ticker NFTs but refuse to invest that much into a buggy platform. I mean they don't even have transaction history! I wish @15284 would step up and fill the gap.
saved 1190d
This is why free samples have been and continue to be an effective sales tool, like at Costco. The dopamine rush resulting from the first time a person gets an unexpected payment via Twetch is the hook.
saved 1190d