
Joined Apr 19, 2018

Here for the OPEN Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash!

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followed topic Bitcoin Cash 2107d
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Seems like there are 2 "Roger Ver" accts. Anyone know the "real" one?
Just posted "Your Full Node Is Impotent" on Yours https://www.yours.org/content/your--full-node--is-impotent-dfcca95e81ec
set profile 2107d
10 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Wallets compared!
See my spreadsheet with all the specs etc...
set profile 2107d
10 BCH Wallets compared!
See my spreadsheet with all the specs etc...
2108d · Capitalism
It is not a company's responsibility to make every employee happy. It is the individual's responsibility to ensure their own happiness, which they understand the most. Companies are not parents.
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