Samuel the Sheep

Joined Apr 15, 2018

Insane engineering doesn't mean good engineering

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I just got the owner of an Indian food stall at my Uni into Bitcoin (BCH). I just need a little more convincing to get him to accept it for his stall. And I have my eyes on a couple more stalls too.
replied 2397d
that was a great interview
followed 2397d
replied 2397d
it's satoshis himself xD
replied 2397d
it looks promising.
I can see some traffic from Turkey as well, thats nice to know
followed 2397d
replied 2397d
I would love to do a tether interview. Maybe one day
voted "... sats" or "... satoshis" 2397d
created poll 2397d
What's your preferred pluralisation of the satoshi unit? Complete the following sentence: "The transaction fee was 250..."
"... sats" or "... satoshis" 2 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sats" or "... satoshi" 6 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshis" 4 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshi" 1 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 2397d
It's a little weird, but you have to scroll the menu to view the logout button. Login name is separate from the name you set for you profile. Login name cannot be changed.
replied 2397d
THX. I still don't see the logout button.
Will just have to stay logged in then xD
set name to Samuel the Sheep 2398d
replied 2398d
It's what the miners wanted for many obvs. reason.
but just words for core/BS.
segwit is not 2x
2398d ·
The minimum to start a test is 15k, I will return to you the 6k you tipped.
2398d ·
Hi @BitcoinCashHoarder , I just sent your tx's (run id: R154), bye!
2398d ·
would be cool if the info is on the bots dashboard. maybe i just missed it xD
2398d ·
thx will try again!
unfollowed 2398d
followed 2398d
followed 2398d
followed topic 3D printing 2398d
2398d · 3D printing
show off your prints and creations.