Samuel the Sheep

Joined Apr 15, 2018

Insane engineering doesn't mean good engineering

Actions 639
Following 143
Followers 39
Topics following 7
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Psychiatrists urge me to take my tranquilizers.
When I don’t they become agitated.
I take their pills to calm them down.”
replied 2360d
replied 2360d
are you the real csw?
replied 2362d
Ich denke der typ ist nur ein Chaot. habe mit ihm geplaudert, er wirkt ok, wenn auch etwas dubios. bleibt spannend. auf jeden fall ein cooles Projekt. sofern es hält was es verspricht
replied 2362d
running out of sats? let me help you.
The next bottleneck was found at around 500 transactions each second. The block propagation reached the time of block intervals, 10 minutes. With xthin block propagation the limit of the blocksize is around 1 Gigabyte
replied 2362d
I can't tell if you are serious or not. enjoy using bch anyways
replied 2378d
why no follow Burton next to the like button?

i don't want to go to the profile just to follow.

neno is getting better every week.

I love it!
replied 2380d
works for me.
replied 2380d
that's stupid.. lemme try.
replied 2380d
its possible but not integrated here. check out kayport app for a taste.
replied 2380d
how do i get back to reading posts after following?
following needs WAY to many clicks.. so ppl will end up with less following.. thats very bad UI
replied 2380d
also i can like my own post multiple times..
replied 2380d
who is using d tube?
why can't i follow somebody directly frome the list of posts?

why do i have to jump through a profile any 3 different klicks. i want one click follow!
Dont be this guy.
voted in poll 2395d

Friendly match between AUSTRIA vs BRAZIL. 1) Place your bets as tips. (Max 1m sats) 2) Write a message along your vote (bet) so I can tip your winnings back. Like this poll and follow me! Enjoy!

Austria + 1.5 goals (1.50x)

let's give this a try. 2000 on austria xD
replied 2398d
glad to have you here.
crypto definitely needs more independent woman!

everyone is free to act as they wish here. despite what some might say
voted in poll 2398d

Am I the real pewdiepie?

Yes, you are

you are now. at least for me xD
got some anti-Semitic jokes?
2398d · Interpret the identicon of the poster above you
or a mouse
2398d · Interpret the identicon of the poster above you
mushroom xD
2398d · Earn tips
i don't think it's the real pew. but who knows right? but he gave me 200.000 bits so i don't complan
replied 2399d
im convinced you are the real dude. xD
voted in poll 2405d

🧀🧀 or 🧀?


extra cheese xD
voted in poll 2411d

Are Luke-JR, Adam Back, Peter Todd, Turd Demeester, Greg Maxwell and others who have successfully enabled Bitcoin (Cash) by disabling any useful functionality of BCore total morons?


not sure if all if them but probably most