It's no coincidence the AXA propaganda focuses so much on stirring hate of Chinese miners - they're outside the reach of the USA regulator AXA can lobby and that's precisely what gives Bitcoin censorship resistance.
New Blogpost about Bitreon, in german
Ich denke der typ ist nur ein Chaot. habe mit ihm geplaudert, er wirkt ok, wenn auch etwas dubios. bleibt spannend. auf jeden fall ein cooles Projekt. sofern es hält was es verspricht
The next bottleneck was found at around 500 transactions each second. The block propagation reached the time of block intervals, 10 minutes. With xthin block propagation the limit of the blocksize is around 1 Gigabyte
Social Networks like this shouldn't exist on Bitcoin. Too expensive, too slow to actually stand the test of time. @Bitpico will rip this chain into pieces when he attacks central nodes
I can't tell if you are serious or not. enjoy using bch anyways
Memo update released:
- Dust consolidation for all actions
- Dashboard is now a feed of all events
- Performance improvements
- Updated profiles
- Color indicator for relative user rating
- New account page
Friendly match between AUSTRIA vs BRAZIL.
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2) Write a message along your vote (bet) so I can tip your winnings back.
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Are Luke-JR, Adam Back, Peter Todd, Turd Demeester, Greg Maxwell and others who have successfully enabled Bitcoin (Cash) by disabling any useful functionality of BCore total morons?