Misha Pelt

Joined Apr 15, 2018

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The first large memo:


How are you reading this article? How did it go from my laptop to your screen?
By the time you read this, I will have posted it on Yours.org, tweeted the link out, and posted it in other various channels. As of the time of writing, The BCH Boys podcast has 750 Twitter followers. Some of those followers have thousands of followers, and others have less than 100. Every person who may come in contact with this piece is a “node” in a large social network. Looking at it this way, we could deduce that we have 750 links to 750 nodes. But do we? How many of those nodes are logged in at the time that we tweet the piece? How many of those nodes will scroll right past the tweet and not even notice it? How many will retweet it to their followers (more nodes), continuing the broadcast?
If our intention is to spread this article as far and wide as possible, the connections between people are more important than how many followers we have. When we tweet, only...
set name to Misha Pelt 2240d
Anikas anime, black and white copy to color in! Enjoy

replied 2257d
How do you deal with the pain? Propolis on cotton helps me. Also MMS. Also, tp rinse with own pipi. Sounds weird I know but works. Good luck and emphaty. I too have tooth pain.
I've been working an insane amount of hours and I broke my tooth so I'm in excruciating pain. Planning on posting more to memo when everything settles down.
2258d · #911Truth
Sure, WTC7 "collapsed" on its own in "natural" non symetrick way, the "airliner" that can't be seen that hit part of the Pentagon where they held documents of missing trillions is coincidence /s
I would like to sell domains cryptodignity.com and my2cents.cash
I share Number_Sonics how to. Starting with notes from date of birth. Other volumes follow, if interest.

followed 2311d
Thinkin about making a Money Button holiday card store,use your fav text over photo app to personalize them, display images would have a qr over them but images behind paywall would be normal
replied 2326d
Hey Cain :) how connected. I was just thinking about this book yesterday!
replied 2326d
when I remembered the book she'd pulled out of her backpack and asked her what it was.
"It's called The Inverted Forest," she said. "I've already read it, so you can borrow it if you
followed topic Music 2340d
created poll 2348d
Do you have a friend that would be happy with tune derived from his/her name? Number_Sonics.
Yes 0 votes · 0 satoshis
No 0 votes · 0 satoshis

replied 2348d
Money Button