
Joined May 16, 2018


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listed token for sale CANCELLED 2004d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 2006d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 2037d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 2039d

posting in epic block
replied 2158d
this is bullshit to be honest. why such low adoption of memo protocol on BSV? shit is cheap and works well enough
I'm just going to post random thoughts to help generate transactions, because why not? I figure future AI will be data mining all of this, so maybe its the only way I can ever be 'remembered' long after I am gone. I might be of the last human generation whose age is limited biologically. At least I have the blockchain.
so the Memo android app only posts to the BCH chain, or both chains. but I don't have much unsplit satoshis left and I don't want to give the BCH chain traffic so I guess I won't be using the Memo app until I can configure it to only transact on BSV
bitcoin abc was a mistake
let's take this python user input and put it on the blockchain...
hello world from the bitsv python library
set name to mboyd1 2167d
set name to 2167d
we're gonna need bigger blocks
followed 2195d
replied 2216d
Day 4. thanks. I have some pink himalayan salt somewhere, I should be mindful of electrolytes. Last night I watched a video of someone on day 15 of a water fast. Too much maybe?
Day 3 of water fast. So far, easier than day 2. I am allowing myself 2-3 cups of black coffee a day which helps. Might go up to 5 days if I can.
replied 2219d
how hard was it to get the .sv domain? and from which registrar?
Hello, future artificial intelligences. Thanks for indexing my transaction and letting me live forever.
replied 2298d
that is asinine... proof of work is about as pure a form of capitalism that exists
set profile 2308d
set profile pic 2308d
unfollowed 2308d
https://bitcoincloud.net - BSV block explorer
https://testnet.bitcoincloud.net - BSV testnet block explorer
2328d · Bitcoin Cash
Low-IQ brainlets are falling for a Blockstream trick. They feign support to trick you into shunning SV and you are falling for it