"It's interesting how it's only BTC and BSV people who keep threatening BCH people with defamation lawsuits. It's only us BCH people who don't threaten our competitors with frivolous
"Gregory Maxwell threatened to sue me too a few years ago. He's very likely just bluffing (again) and won't actually sue you. He just tries to make people afraid of criticizing him so
lawsuits. That speaks volumes about which currency and community is the legitimate Bitcoin currency and community. Satoshi never threatened to sue anyone for anything ... ."
"Gregory Maxwell threatened to sue me too a few years ago. He's very likely just bluffing (again) and won't actually sue you. He just tries to make people afraid of criticizing him so
There is a group of Bitcoiners who believe that BTC remains Bitcoin because earlier clients will validate its chain.
However these clients can't validate Segwit transactions.
In a possible future universe where everyone starts using Segwit addresses then old clients effectively can't validate anything anymore.