
Joined Dec 19, 2018


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2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
Does Luke look dead? I'm going to try to circle around him and aim my bow at the eyes
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'll rush forward and draw my shortswords, trying to give advantage for flanking
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'll use my prepared action, trying to aim for his head, specifically the eyes
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
They're awesome, I'm making one for a one-shot my friend is DMing soon. are those dndbeyond character sheets free?
2163d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'll ready an action too. I'm going to draw my bow and ready an arrow, if the tunnel is too narrow I'll try to creep out to the side opposite Sam
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'll try to follow if I can get through without making noise
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
"Here Sam, take the dagger. Perhaps you can catch Luke off guard"
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
Elfvis tastes more dirt, and tries to figure out if this is Luke, or if there are any traps up ahead
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I follow, and ready my longbow
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
"A woman died down here carrying this dagger, looks like another elf. Someone you know?"
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'm going to consider tying it to an arrow for a second, and then climb back up the tunnel to hand it to Sam
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'm going to try to dangle down from the roots to grab the dagger. I'll try to cut them and tie some together if it's too far
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'm going to try to see what the metal thing is, I have darkvision
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
Elfvis is going to draw his longbow and keep an eye out for spiders. "I don't see any sign of him, should we set a trap?"
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
Can I look for tracks in the moss?
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'll follow LR, as long as he's in front
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I can go first, I'll try to cut away some of the thorns with my shortsword so that they can make it through
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
"I'm fine going ahead with Azulan, I'm only really useful with my bow though. I'll try to get behind him if there's trouble"
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
Is this guy a monstrosity? I get some advantages for tracking them.
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
I tell the others about the waterfall and offer to take them there. "I'll help you slay this creature, he may begin competing for game if he's allowed to remain. I do accept tips tho"
2164d · Dungeons and Dragons
"I will do my best. I am used to hunting beasts, but these look like human tracks, although deformed" and I take some of the dirt in the footprint and taste it lol, rolling survival
The updates to the Android app are incredible, great work Jason. I'm almost browsing Memo more than Reddit now
2165d · Dungeons and Dragons
"I am a hunter, my name is Elfvis. I appreciate the warning, but what is this LukeJr?"
2165d · Dungeons and Dragons
I'm walking into the woods to do my usual hunt when I see the crowd in the street. I'll stop and see what everyone is trying to track