Competition is a great thing, but modern "capitalism" isn't promoting competition anymore. We're returning to robber baron levels of centralization, (regional) monopolies and price coordination
and needs price increases in order for the rewards system to function as planned, since they're likely a necessary factor to get adoption to a point where it can be sustained by fees
Imagine being so wrapped up in conspiracy theories and Nazism that you care more about stories that put Muslims in a bad light getting good ratings than the victims of a terror attack
Of course not, I love a good rational debate. You're repeating the same two provably false, anti-crypto statements in all caps like it makes them true. You're like a bot, only ruder
Lol not sure what you hallucinated that made you think my level was idiotic ranting in all caps, but thanks for making it so clear you're a newfag. Take your meds, champ : )
You're the one who has some kind of disconnect with reality. Plenty of people care about this, you can't because you don't understand the tech or its applications.
Are you a BTC maximalist? I wouldn't be surprised if you were just here to troll and parrot retarded far-right talking points, you've certainly done a lot of that already
Lol this is getting embarrassing V, take your meds. You admitted that you're too dense to grasp what a functional blockchain is, and repeated Core's BS economics about "digital gold"
Here's where you admitted you were wrong. I'm not sure why you're even supporting BCH if you don't understand that businesses used Bitcoin for onchain, instant and cheap transactions
Plenty of people used it, they discarded it because BTC had high fees/wait times, and consequently a lot of price volatility. We already talked about all of this yesterday, sober up
You're drunk mate, we had this conversation yesterday and you already admitted that you were wrong. All caps doesn't change the fact that you're a clown.
Steam and Microsoft accepted BTC at one point you fucking idiot, you're making yourself look like a complete newb jackass and it's permanently saved on the blockchain lol
I've already pointed out how this is an extremely reductive statement and provably false. The price went up 500x because of FOMO yes, but it had utility before high fees and wait times
"The alt market will DRAG bitcoin up. BTC is controlled opposition. The powers that be are afraid to let it drop too much below the 50% market share point. As it gets closer to this, they start hammering money in.
Spot on. The number one reason BTC was crippled is likely because the manipulators are altcoin bagholders. There are 5+ prominent scams whose spikes are always funneled back into BTC