
Joined Jul 09, 2018

Give me liberty or give me coin..... Bitcoin cash preferred :)

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2377d · Trade driven
Awesome. Thanks!!
2377d · It's almost Jesus's birthday yo! I joined this place like 5 days later!
2377d · Trade driven
Could someone please explain this trade driven mining to me please? Do I have to trade on the exchange to earn these coins per hour? Or can I just lock my CET and earn passive income?
2379d · Flippening 2018??
Because the BCH price will need to slowly climb to a point where even after the higher difficulty, it's more profitable to mine BCH rather than BTC
2379d · Flippening 2018??
Yea that might be the biggest thing that could prevent flippening from occurring but it also protects BCH. It is also the reason why the flippening will be a slow process.
2379d · Thank you for your service
2379d · Thank you for your service
But don't forget they're the reason you have the privelege of sitting behind your computer screen to criticize them. Do NOT try to undermine their sacrifices.
2379d · Thank you for your service
I get that a lot of things armed forces have done internationally don't sit right with a lot of people.
2379d · Thank you for your service
Laying down your life for your country and sacrificing a life with your family is clearly nothing compared to a currency.... Yep... Totes.
2379d · Flippening 2018??
Btc supporters and devs just don't understand that BTC actually stands for "Sometimes it's 'Better To Change'...."
2379d · Flippening 2018??
That's true. But if something like this were to happen close to the stress test it'll prove how poorly the BTC chain handles transactions and how well BCH handles large numbers of TX.
set profile 2379d
Give me liberty or give me coin..... Bitcoin cash preferred :)
2379d · Flippening 2018??
There's been a huge drop in BCH hashrate and in turn may lead to a difficulty bomb on the BTC chain. Hashrate could then be switched back to BCH.

Incoming flippening maybe?
replied 2381d
And by personal basis I mean the fund can donate the proceeds to members and users that it decided genuinely need the aid and could actually really use it.
voted That is a great idea! Progress ftw!! 2381d
created poll 2381d
A recent memo got me thinking. Maybe we should have a verified charity fund where users can donate and the fund can then donate its proceeds towards charitable causes on a more personal basis.
That is a great idea! Progress ftw!! 1 votes · 0 satoshis
That is a horrible idea. Go back to where you came from, Neanderthal! 0 votes · 0 satoshis


created poll 2381d
A recent memo got me thinking. Maybe we should have a verified charity fund where users can donate and the fund can then donate its proceeds towards charitable causes on a more personal basis.
That is a great idea! Progress ftw!! 1 votes · 0 satoshis
That is a horrible idea. Go back to where you came from, Neanderthal! 0 votes · 0 satoshis


2382d · Nearly Homeless And Desperate
You're welcome and I've also posted your post on reddit etc. You should try posting yourself on reddit as well as it'll help too :)
2382d · Nearly Homeless And Desperate
Sent you a little something. Generally people pool up their tips and it can add up to become a decent amount. Hope everything works out for you :)
2383d · Nearly Homeless And Desperate
Dear Memo Family,
I guess I came to final decision to knock on your door and swallow pride rather than to steal, rob or become a prostitute and risk lives of my kids.
replied 2393d
Ohhh I thought you were talking about memo cash. I'm assuming there's no 2FA in memo cash?
replied 2393d
I don't have 2fa activated. Where can I find the option to do so? :o
replied 2393d
Oh. Where can I find this secret code? :o
set name to Asherlock 2394d
2394d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
Hi! Just followed you! :)