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saved 159d
I have just finished watching the video which I have linked.

Ok we obviously have a problem by not having a double blind study where we would know which group would have been to the moon and which group wouldn't have been and how each of them reacted.

But in my opinion their overall reaction and behaviour is really weird in most cases.
Like a lot of other things.
saved 159d
Do those pictures have a release date?

I mean: have they been released after each mission or years after?
saved 159d
Close to zero sense, but yes.
saved 159d
Funny how the official story has many flaws and stuff which makes no sense.
Look, I do not know what happened, but I am quite sure, that the moon landing footage is fake.
Do I can be 100% sure?
Of course not.
But in my mind it has a very high probability, that it is fake.
Do I build my worldview, ego or existence upon on it?
No, I got better anchors.

I love the "moron argumentation style" - always enriching any interaction.

Wow, so you tell me I can listen to the whole audio?
I could have made an audio when I was seven years old where me and my brother traveled to alpha centauri first, afterwards went to candyland planet and then traveled to the milky way and ate one milky chocolate bar after another. Returning to earth completely safe and sound. And all the other kids believed us. Because their good friend steffen has told them, his brother said it was true and they even had an audio tape.
Happened over 7 times btw, more often then NASA went to the moon.
I am not sur...
saved 159d
saved 160d
Funny how none of those astronauts will put his hand on the bible and swear that they walked on the moon^^.
They run away, get aggressive and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. even punches the reporter in the face.

Have only watched the first three minutes so far.

saved 161d
So how is this not safe when holding only BSV?
saved 162d
saved 162d
You can give "rhodiola rosea" a try.

Not sure if it helps in your case or against back pain in general but it helped my runners knee a lot a lot.
I normally have a lot of pain in both my knees after about 12km of running.
When I took it this stopped and I could run for 20km and longer.
Not sure how it works.
Additionally I experienced some weird sequences of starting to cry during running and during normal walks in nature.
Kinda weird but it stopped after a while.

One of the few supplements which actually had an effect on me and I tried a lot.

I made a tea first and later just chewed the root pieces and swallowed them since it was easier, faster and nothing was wasted.
Still taking it at least once a week.
saved 162d
I am having a hard time believing, that the fees for each block in BTC are generated "naturally".
Sure, there is some hype and some speculation going on with "runes", but it is kinda too much in my opinion.
Lets see if the block fees are going to be that high.
saved 162d
saved 162d
saved 162d
Wi ould go for company logo.

So many brands and logos these days, I would keep it one brand/symbol/logo and built the trust and everything on top of that.
People will be less confused.
saved 165d
The most played "tone" in the universe is the "pause".

That is why fasting and meditation has so many benefits as well.
It gives your mind and body the time to make stuff more efficient.
saved 165d
The difficulty adjustment algorithm on BTC will readjust on 24th april.
About four days after the halving took place.

saved 165d
Additionally quite some miners have been concentrating on BTC right now, due to it still having the 6.25 block reward.
This hashrate will probably go back to their previous chains when the halving is through.
Could be an additionally drop.
saved 165d
Right now most miners are concentrating on BTC to get some of the last few 6.25 block rewards.
When the halving is through they probably will switch back to their previous coins.
Some other miners will be unprofitable.
Could be, that there will be a drop in hashrate and blocks are only being mined every 20 minutes or so.
Just a theory though.
saved 168d
Yes I already had similar thoughts.

Would be very convenient to keep automating it and at a certain size of notes/zettels the AI could help to come up with suggestions you want to link new notes/zettels to.
Especially since sometimes we would forget how we named the note/zettel a few years ago.
Sure, hashtags and other indexing is possible but often creates more of a mess than it helps^^.

The main reason I do not want it for myself is, that I use my devices and especially my setup "as offline as possible" if you know what I mean.
So an AI would make me dependent on internet connection which I always try to avoid if possible.
saved 175d
Missed it :-/

However, good luck!
saved 180d
You are welcome :-).

I always liked memes.

My most favorite is the "Became a millionaire thanks to BSV - started as a billionaire".
I would buy it if you would make it BitcoinSV instead of bsv and with the dragon on the left chest or between the two texts.

And in my opinion the retard dragon should be on every piece in small scale - positioned on the left chest.

And you should think about expanding your business to "BTC mocking".
Because it has similar meme character.
I view memes as intelligence warfare and the best ones are those which are true and therefore will spread.
Richard Dawkins got that right.

- BTC - we got a p2p e-cash system but we prefered 1MB p2p hodl and are searching for a payment system since - search for 7-9 years since but only 18 months left - pay to join
(the typical bicycle with the stick between)

- lightning - run a node, earn some fees and lose it all and much more on a short shutdown - be your own bank and have some fun

- if you...
saved 180d
/pay @1766 $2.26

/pay @26850 $0.0693 for showing me the amount because of the bug and the more transactions the better.
saved 183d
Not mine.

Owner should be @194 .
saved 184d
Not before it constantly outperforms BTC ;-P
saved 184d
Good read about what money is.


The thing with bitcoin is, that the bitcoin nodes do not need to search for a graph because ownership/possession can be signed over p2p and only needs to be propagated to miners for timestamping.

So there is no need for finding a route or graph in bitcoin.
saved 184d
Reminds me of the blue pill vs. red pill scenario and that the character Cypher wants to get back into the illusion.

What is the title of the book?